
  1. 但吴晓青表示,监测和发布空气污染数据的权力属于中国有关部门。

    But Mr Wu said it was up to Chinese authorities to monitor and publish pollution data .

  2. 吴晓青所说的10个空气质量相对较好的城市大多在沿海地区,海风能净化空气。

    Most of the 10 best cities cited by Mr Wu are on the coast , where sea breezes clear the air .

  3. 中国正在对1989年环境保护法进行第三轮修改,吴晓青说:“这次修改的亮点,就是解决违法成本低、守法成本高问题。”

    Changes to China 's 1989 environmental protection law are undergoing a third round of revisions , Mr Wu said : " We believe the biggest part to be revised is how to fix the problem that the cost of polluting is low while the cost of mitigating it is high . "