
  • 网络Li Ping;Peter Ping Li;Lee Ping
  1. 李平教授已经为2011年度以“东西荟萃”为主题的美国管理学年会组织了三次学术研讨会。

    Peter Ping Li has organized three all-academy symposiums for the2011 Academy of Management Conference on the theme of West-meets-East .

  2. 交织多址IDMA(Interleave-DivisionMultipleAccess)技术是近年来由香港城市大学李平教授提出的一种多址通信方式。

    Interleave-Division Multiple Access ( IDMA ) was recently proposed by Prof. Li Ping coming from the City University of Hong Kong .

  3. 这些是李雷和李平的书。

    These are Li Lei 's and Li ping 's books .

  4. 李平和他的妈妈正在商场里面。

    Li Ping and his mother are in the Department store .

  5. 李平:一辆小汽车撞到了我的卡车的尾部。

    Liping : A car hit the rear of my truck .

  6. 李平和他的父母都没有去过北京。

    Neither Li Ping nor his parents have been to Beijing .

  7. 教师提议学生与李平母子一起购物。

    Let 's go shopping with Li Ping and his mother .

  8. 李平和他的妈妈已经买完了所有的东西。

    Li Ping and his mother have done all their shopping .

  9. 李平和他的妈妈坐电梯到3层。

    LiPing and his mother take the escalator to the 3rd floor .

  10. 李平和他的妈妈来到了2层。

    Li Ping and his mother come to the2nd floor .

  11. 给怀特先生的信已经由李平写好了。

    The letter to Mr White has been written by Li ping .

  12. 我想买一些光盘,李平说。

    I want to buy some CDs , @ says Li Ping .

  13. “我们要坐公共汽车吗?”李平问。

    Can we take a bus there ? @ asks Li ping .

  14. 李平和他的妈妈计划明天要干什么。

    Li Ping and his mother are planning what to do tomorrow .

  15. 从而解决了李平与杨重骏的猜测。

    This result solves a conjecture of Ping Li and Yang C C.

  16. 使教师生气的是李平的吵闹。

    What made the teacher angry was Lipin 's making much noise .

  17. 李平经常在下午做作业。

    Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon .

  18. 李平试了试挺合适的。

    Li Ping tries it on and it fits well .

  19. 李平试了试,但是太大了。

    Li Ping tries it on , but it is too big .

  20. 母亲是一个工人的那个男孩是李平。

    That boy whose mother is a worker is Liping .

  21. 李平和他的妈妈去了超市。

    Li Ping and his mother go to the supermarket .

  22. 李平和他的妈妈正在找百货公司。

    Li Ping and his mother are looking for a department store .

  23. 售货员给李平一个中号试。

    The salesperson gives Li Ping a medium size .

  24. 昨天我遇到李平了,他好象很忙。

    Yesterday I met Li pin , who seemed to be very busy .

  25. 我穿大号的,李平说。

    I wear Large , @ says Li Ping .

  26. 李平昨天没吃早饭就去上学了。

    Li Ping went to school without breakfast yesterday .

  27. 顺便说一下,李平在什么地方?

    By the way , where 's Li Ping ?

  28. 售货员找了一件大号的给了李平。

    The salesperson finds a large size and gives it to Li ping .

  29. 李平学习和同班同学一样努力。

    Li Ping works as hard as his classmates .

  30. 王林和李平都站起来了。

    Wang Lin and Li Ping both stood up .