
  • Zhao Wei;Vicki Zhao;Wei Zhao;Xu Jinglei
  1. 电影由赵薇主演,她在90年代末期因为在电视剧《还珠格格》中扮演天真烂漫的女主角而享有盛名。

    The film stars Vicki Zhao Wei , who shot to fame in the late1990s playing the wide-eyed lead role in the television series Princess Pearl .

  2. 赵薇也向这部电影所有的工作人员表示感谢。

    Zhao also expressed gratitude for the crew of the film .

  3. 但我觉得她不如赵薇漂亮。

    But I think she 's not as beautiful as vicky .

  4. 赵薇显然也想赋予每个角色一个恰当的归宿。

    Zhao also clearly wanted to give every character a proper ending .

  5. 此次评选活动中演员赵薇占得次席。

    Actress Zhao Wei ran second in the poll .

  6. 对于导演兼演员的赵薇来说,香港似乎是她的福地。

    Hong Kong seems a good fit for actress and director Zhao Wei .

  7. 喜爱赵薇的影迷观?看着她从淘气的少女成长为狡黠的喜剧演员。

    Doting audiences have seen Zhao grow from elfin youth to cagey comedian .

  8. 例:“小燕子”赵薇就是个一夜成功,一举成名的典型例证。

    Zhao Wei was vaulted to fame , a classic example of overnight success .

  9. 请支持赵薇奖学助学基金会!

    Please support Zhao Wei scholarship fund .

  10. 赵薇在剧中饰演专横的妈妈。

    Zhao Wei plays the overbearing mom .

  11. 法制日报报道,原告声称,赵薇在剧中瞪他对他造成了精神伤害。

    The Legal Daily said the plaintiff was alleging Zhao 's stare caused him spiritual damage .

  12. 去年12月,女演员赵薇以4亿美元购买了该公司将近10%的股份。

    Last December the actress Zhao Wei bought nearly a 10th of the company for $ 400m .

  13. 她与摄影机的关系或许仍然新鲜,但是赵薇也曾惹上麻烦。

    Her relationship with the camera may still be fresh , but Zhao has had her troubles .

  14. 于艺术生涯中,我们了解到赵薇的艺术历程,其教学思想的产生。

    Career in the arts , we understand the art of course Zhao Wei , the teaching of ideas generated .

  15. 赵薇将在影片中扮演吴国皇帝孙权的小妹孙上香。

    Zhao Wei will play Sun Shangxiang , the little sister of Sun Quan , the emperor of the Wu Kingdom .

  16. 初选中最初李宇春被选为最漂亮的女人,紧接着是尚文捷和赵薇。

    Originally , Li was voted to be the most beautiful woman , followed by Shang and Zhao in the primary election .

  17. 即便如此,鉴于我对该片理性的低期望值,我还是认为赵薇对于自己的导演处女作交上了一份令人满意的答卷。

    Even so , given my reasonably low expectations , Zhao still gets full credits for her effort as a first-time director .

  18. 4月19日,赵薇凭借在《亲爱的》中饰演抚养被绑架孩子的母亲一角,荣获最佳女演员。

    On April 19 , Zhao was awarded best actress for her role as a mother who raised trafficked children in Dearest .

  19. 在王林展示的照片中,我们可以发现李连杰和赵薇等明星也是他的座上客。

    Other celebrities such as actor Jet Li and actress Zhao Wei were also guests of Wang according to photos he has shown .

  20. 赵薇在剧中饰演大眼睛的妈妈不断逼迫女儿发展,而爸爸却希望孩子自由成长。

    Zhao plays the big-eyed mother who relentlessly pushes her daughter 's development , while the father wants his child to have more freedom .

  21. 相信谢晋尢其感动:他在一部电影《女儿谷》(落难俏佳人)中起用了赵薇。

    Xie Jin must have been particularly moved : he hired Zhao to star in a movie , Nu Er Gu ( Penitentiary Angel ) .

  22. 张(丰毅)和梁在电影中占主导地位,而金城武的老谋深算的军师诸葛亮也演得不错,赵薇为其扮演的有胆色有勇气的公主加入了颇受欢迎的幽默。

    Zhang and Leung dominate the movie , while Kaneshiro is fine as wily strategist Zhuge and Zhao adds welcome humor as the feisty princess .

  23. 当赵薇汉弗莱的女儿,杰西卡克林顿,自发地跳起来万能骑着他周围鞍,整个人群感到惊讶和令人眼花缭乱!

    When Vicki Humphrey 's daughter , Jessica Clinton , spontaneously jumped on Magnum and rode him around bareback , the entire crowd was surprised and dazzled !

  24. 尽管只是在剧中饰演一名配角,但赵薇表示说,这个有趣的角色为她提供了很大的表演空间。

    Despite only playing the role of a supporting actor , Zhao Wei says hers is an interesting character , offering her great space to develop her performance .

  25. 译林出版社的赵薇主任说:我们曾经一本书买出过100多万册。

    " There were times when we used to sell more than 1 million copies of a book ," Zhao Wei , a Yilin Press director , said .

  26. 上周日,中国女演员赵薇在新加坡产下女儿。赵薇的经纪人和嫂子陈蓉,周三向国内媒体证实了这一消息。

    CHINESE actress Zhao Wei gave birth to a baby girl Sunday in Singapore , Chen Rong , Zhao 's manager and sister-in-law , confirmed to the domestic media Wednesday .

  27. 在2002年,赵薇被《男人帮》杂志新加坡版票选?全球第二性感女人,仅次于职业女网球员安娜库妮可娃,舒淇第三。

    In2002 , Zhao was voted the second-sexiest woman in the world , after Anna Kournikova and just ahead of Shu Qi , in a poll in FHM Singapore magazine .

  28. 拍戏现场的气氛几乎和影片中的气氛同样凝重,可是赵薇说,她很敬佩许导演对每一个制作元素的用心。

    The mood on the set was nearly as serious as that in the film , but Zhao says she respects the care Hui took with every element of production .

  29. 就如同时间会令皮肤苍老却令灵魂充实一般,一部平庸之作也会成为鞭策赵薇在今后制作出佳作的动力。

    Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul , a mediocre film may as well be the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future .

  30. 我第一次看赵薇的是动作电影夕阳天使(2002),她的天份在里面没能得到准确的展现,虽然这是我最喜欢的电影之一。

    My first experience with Zhao Wei was the action film " So Close "( 2002 ), which ( despite being one of my personal favorites ) wasn 't exactly demanding of her talents .