
  1. 梅文鼎和安徽数学学派

    Mei wending and anhui mathematical school

  2. 梅文鼎的著作总集《历算全书》出版于1723年。

    The comprehensive collection of Mei 's works , Lisuan quanshu , was published in 1723 .

  3. 梅文鼎和三个弟弟一起跟道士倪观湖学历法。

    Together with his three younger brothers , Mei studied calendar design under the Daoist Ni Guanghu .

  4. 这一观点得到了顾祖禹、梅文鼎、颜元和李埭的进一步演绎。

    This viewpoint was deduced by Gu Zuyu , Mei Wending , Yan Yuan , and Li Gong .

  5. 梅文鼎试图将欧洲知识恰当地融入到中国天文学和数学的历史框架中去。

    Mei tried to situate the new European knowledge properly within the historical framework of Chinese astronomy and mathematics .

  6. 梅文鼎(1633~1721),天文学家、数学家。梅文鼎的著作是中西知识联合的结果。

    Mei Wending ( 1633 ~ 1721 ) was a Chinese writer on astronomy and mathematics whose work represented an association of Chinese and Western knowledge .

  7. 该文通过对郭守敬和梅文鼎黄赤相求方法的分析,指出他们的方法都体现了中国传统数学思想和思维方式。

    This paper analysis the methods of Gwoand Mei ' s.It points out that their methods reflect the traditional Chinese mathematical thought and mode of thinking .

  8. 换句话说就是梅文鼎认为进步是一个普遍的历史规律,这是梅文鼎融汇中西方知识的基本原理。

    In other words , he believed that progress was a universal historical pattern . This was Mei 's historical rationale for synthesizing Western and Chinese knowledge .

  9. 梅文鼎的数学论证表现了中算对象的显著变化,由此引起论证方法的改进,进而导致中算概念的发展。

    Mei 's mathematical proof manifested the prominent changes of Chinese mathematical objects , which arose the improvement of proof methods and resulted in the developments of Chinese mathematical conceptions .

  10. 康熙帝对梅文鼎的著作《历学疑问》(约1701)很感兴趣,于1705年召见梅文鼎。

    The Kangxi emperor was interested in Mei 's work , the Lixue yiwen ( c. 1701 ; " Inquiry on Mathematical Astronomy " ) , and summoned him to an audience in 1705 .

  11. 梅文鼎促进了中国传统数学的地位的恢复,受到清朝学者的广泛钦佩。清朝学者一般都认为《九章算术》涵盖了数学的各个方面。

    Mei helped rehabilitate traditional Chinese mathematics , and he was most widely admired by the scholars of the Qing Dynasty , who generally assumed that the Nine Chapters included all of mathematics without exception .

  12. 梅文鼎在《几何通解》里,通过提到《九章算术》里处理正三角形的那一章,重新解释了欧几里德的《几何原本》(约前300年)。《九章算术》是中国汉代完成的经典数学论著。

    He reinterpreted Euclid 's Elements in his Jihe tongjie ( " Complete Explanation of Geometry " ) , by reference to the chapter devoted to right-angled triangles in Jiuzhang suanshu ( Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Procedtcres ) , a mathematical classic completed during the Han Dynasty .