
  • 网络Ding Ruchang;Admiral Ting Ju ch'ang
  1. 除了客观因素外,丁汝昌的主观谎报是最主要的原因。

    Apart from the objective factors , the main reason is Ding 's subjective false report .

  2. 在甲午海战中,丁汝昌作为中国海军参战部队北洋舰队的统帅,其作用无疑十分重要。

    As the leader of China 's Peiyang fleet , Ding Ru-chang plays a very important role in the Sino-Japanese war ( 1894-1895 ) .

  3. 因此,“避战保船”的不是李鸿章,而是北洋舰队的提督丁汝昌。

    And the entire destruction of Beiyang Fleet would be attributed to the policy of " defending the ships by avoiding battles " by Lihongzhang .