
  1. 现代报刊影响下的张恨水小说创作

    The Creation of Zhang Hen-shui'Novels Under the Influence of Modern Message

  2. 历史在这里凝固&论张恨水小说中抗日军人形象的崇高美

    On the noble figure beauty of the resistance against Japan militants

  3. 《八十一梦》与张恨水小说中的新

    《 Eighty-One Dreams 》 and Novelty in the Novels of Zhang Hen-shui

  4. 男性叙事与张恨水社会言情小说的一种模式

    Male Narrative and a Mode of Zhang Hen-shui 's Social and Loving Fiction

  5. 张恨水对章回体小说的继承与创新

    Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Chapter Novel in ZHANG Hen-shui 's Works

  6. 在形式上,张恨水改变了传统的章回体小说模式;

    He has made formal changes in the pattern of the traditional serial novel .

  7. 张恨水在中国现代文学史上是一个独特而复杂的存在。

    Zhang Hen-shui is a complex and special existing in history of Chinese contemporary fiction .

  8. 在张恨水的艺术世界中,常常有大量的记者、准记者的身影出没其间。

    A lot of journalists and preparative journalists appear in Zhang Henshui 's artistic world .

  9. 张恨水的小说创作就是在独特的人格基础上和现代语境下展开的。

    Zhang Henshui 's writing developed on the foundation of unique personality and modern context .

  10. 言情小说,还是言钱小说?&论对张恨水小说文本的误读

    Romance Novel , or Money Novel ? & on the misreading of the novel text by Zhang Hen-shui

  11. 张恨水创作心态的变化及他在创作上的上坡路趋势。

    Changes of Zhang 's mental state of producing and the improving tendency in his way of producing .

  12. 抗战时期中国文学的雅俗互融&兼论张恨水、张爱玲、赵树理

    On the Merge of the Elegant and Vulgar of Chinese Literature in the Period of the Anti-Japanese Aggression War

  13. 本文探讨张恨水的小说与新文学的关系。张恨水的小说与新文学存在着疏离与对话的关系。

    This paper explores the relationship between Zhang Henshui 's fictions and the New Literature , claiming that it is both alienation and dialogue .

  14. 其一,家庭负担的影响和稿费制度的建立这两个外部因素,是促使张恨水小说创作走向市场的推动力。

    Above all , family burden and the establishment of contribution fee system as two external factors are the impetus to the marketization of his writings .

  15. 《梦幻天堂》这部以张恨水的小说为蓝本,将在9月上映的电视剧,以30年代的上海为背景。

    The TV series Dream Heaven ( Menghuan Tiantang ), based on Zhang Henshui 's novel , will air in September , is set in the1930s Shanghai .

  16. 此类形象的名称、作用、性格、语言等方面具有鲜明特色,张恨水用娴熟的描写技法把她们刻画得生动、形象。

    The names , effects , characters and languages of them possess distinct features , and Zhang Henshui adopted a skillful way of describing to depict them vividly .

  17. 在塑造“妇女小丑”形象上,张恨水继承了古代小说中的传统,并进行了创新。

    On the basis of shaping " Woman Clown " images , Zhang Henshui inherited the tradition of Chinese ancient novels , and brought forth new ideas in writing .

  18. 在大力倡导文化创新的今天,我们重新分析张恨水小说的先进文化构建,仍具有深刻的现实意义。

    Today , for the strong promotion of cultural innovation , it is still of great practical and immediate significance to reanalyze the advanced cultural construction of Zhangs novels .

  19. 同时,因为研究者个人期待视野的变化以及所取视角的不同,不同时代的研究者对于张恨水的理解、判断、评价,往往不尽相同。

    Meanwhile , researchers ' expectation horizons were changing , their visual angles were different too . Researchers ' understanding , judgments and appraising about Zhang Hen-shui varied in different eras .

  20. 早期是文学思想的丰富期,张恨水主要从章回体小说改良、创作动机和宗旨方面形成了认识。

    In the earlier period , his literary thought being in the growth stage , he developed his thinking from the improvement , creative motivation and tenet of the traditional Chinese novels .

  21. 其次重点从小说的心理与景物描写,叙事方式的转变,吸纳电影艺术表现手法四个方面论述张恨水对西方小说技法的借鉴和引进。

    Secondly , it discusses his using western novel skills for reference and introducing them , by psychological and scenery description , the conversion of narration style and the adopting the techniques of movie art .

  22. 21世纪的张恨水研究,应该力求呈现张恨水在中国现代文学的独特性存在,并通过对张恨水现象的研究,对中国文学、中国文化现代化进程,做出更富理性的历史批判。

    In the future , they should try to judge the modernized process of Chinese literature and culture more historically and more rationally by studying ' Zhang Hen-shui phenomenon ' in the whole Chinese contemporary literature .

  23. 通过对《金粉世家》和《还珠格格》的对比分析,可以看出张恨水和琼瑶的小说在创作心态、作内容和创作方法上有显著的差异。

    By comparing Jin Fen Shi Jia and Huan Zhu Ge ge , it can be concluded that there exists significant differences between Zhang Henshui and Qiong Yao at the aspects of writing mentality , writing contents and writing methods .

  24. 与轰动的市场效应相比,主流文学对他的评价形成了较大反差,即使是在抗战爆发、文艺界统一战线形成后,对张恨水创作的肯定仍然存在种种局限。

    Contrary to the success in the market , the mainstream literature underestimated his works , even if in the Anti-Japanese War and after the establishment of the united front of literature and art , the acceptance to his works still limited .