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mǎ línɡ shǔ
  • potato;yam;tater;tattie
马铃薯 [mǎ líng shǔ]
  • (1) [potato]

  • (2) 一种直立草本植物,叶为羽状复叶,花白色、黄色、蓝色或紫色,浆果紫色,原产于美洲南部和中部的高原,广泛栽培(尤在温带地区)作蔬菜

  • (3) 此植物的块茎。也叫洋芋、土豆儿、山药蛋等

  1. 现在专家们都在赞美其貌不扬的马铃薯的种种好处。

    Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato

  2. 这点烧焦了的马铃薯就勉强算一顿饭吧!

    This bit of burnt potato is no more than on Appraisal for a meal .

  3. 今年马铃薯丰收。

    The potatoes cropped well this year .

  4. 在冒热气的马铃薯上放一小块黄油。

    Top the steaming hot potatoes with a knob of butter .

  5. 我得喂鸡,还得为马铃薯锄草。

    I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes

  6. 将马铃薯戳一些洞,并用盐揉搓外皮。

    Prick the potatoes and rub the skins with salt

  7. 马铃薯仍然是最受欢迎的食物,其次是白面包。

    Potatoes are still the most popular food , followed by white bread .

  8. 马铃薯完全被辣椒盖住了。

    The potatoes were drowned in chilli .

  9. “我在考虑做一道浇柠檬奶油汁的烤马铃薯。”“好极了!”米基表示赞同。

    ' I was thinking I might do a lemon cream sauce and baked potatoes . ' ' Splendid ! ' Midge applauded .

  10. 马铃薯一年发两次芽。

    Potatoes sprout twice a year .

  11. 他很高兴地得知,奇比知道野生葡萄和马铃薯生长的所有地方。

    He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew .

  12. 他把马铃薯捣烂后再吃。

    He beat the potato into a mash before eating it .

  13. 马铃薯块茎贮藏期间蛋白质和维生素C含量的变化

    Studies on the Content Changes of Protein and Vitamin C during Potato Storage

  14. 外源DNA导入技术在马铃薯种质改良中的应用

    Application of Exogenous DNA Transferred Technique in Improving Potato Germplasms

  15. 马铃薯不同生长时期~(14)C同化物的运转和分配

    Translocation and distribution of ~ ( 14 ) c-labeled assimilates in potato during its different stages

  16. 利用浸苗法将野生天麻总DNA导入马铃薯的研究

    A genetic transformation study of introducing wild Gastrodia elata DNA into Solanum tuberosum by soaking seedling method

  17. 马铃薯RAPD标记的PCR技术影响因素的探讨

    Factors in PCR reaction system influencing potato RAPD Markers

  18. 利用RNA介导的抗病性获得高度抗马铃薯Y病毒的转基因烟草

    RNA-mediated viral resistance against Potato virus Y ( pvy ) in transgenic tobacco plants

  19. ELISA技术检测马铃薯病毒的研究

    Application of ELISA Technique for Determination Potato Virus

  20. 马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒RT-PCR检测及全序列分析

    Detection of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid by RT-PCR and Analysis of Its Complete Sequences

  21. 方法在根癌脓杆菌介导获得系列转基因马铃薯植株的基础上,用ELISA分析转基因马铃薯中目的蛋白表达水平。

    Methods The expression of the foreign protein in the obtained transgenic potatoes was assayed by ELISA .

  22. PP(333)、B9和CCC对脱毒马铃薯试管繁殖的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ), B_9 and CCC on in vitro Propagation of Virus-free Potato

  23. 马铃薯试管苗保存毒源PVA技术的研究

    Research on Technique Effect of Test-tube Potato Plantlet Infected by Potato Virus A

  24. 用长臂光敏生物素标记的cDNA探针核酸斑点杂交检测马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒

    Detection of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid by Space-arm Photobiotin Labelled cDNA Probe and Nucleic Acid Spot Hybridization

  25. 马铃薯Y病毒N株系蚜传相关蛋白HC-pro基因的克隆及原核表达

    Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of HC-pro Gene of PVY-N Shanxi Isolate

  26. 马铃薯四倍体栽培种茎段组织的EMS诱变研究

    Research on Applying Stem Segment in Vitro of Tetraploid Potato Variety in EMS Mutation

  27. DDRT-PCR与反向Northern杂交技术结合分离马铃薯mRNA差异表达片段

    Isolation and Identification of Differentially Expressed mRNA Species by DDRT-PCR Combined with Reverse Northern Hybridization in Potato

  28. 本文比较了11种药用及食用真菌菌丝体在马铃薯综合培养基中的生长情况,并测定了菌丝体中的SOD活力。

    In this paper , the growth and SOD activity of 11 fungi mycelium in the unified potato culture medium were studied .

  29. 本文证实了马铃薯提取液中存在IAA和ABA。

    In this paper , we indicated that IAA and ABA exist in the potato extract .

  30. 重庆地区马铃薯晚疫病菌(Phytophthorainfestans)对甲霜灵抗性及抗性水平测定

    Resistance and resistant level of Phytophthora infestans to Metalaxyl in Chongqing