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  • rod;pole
竿 [gān]
  • 竹子的主干:竹~。立~见影。揭~而起。

  • 特指“钓鱼竿”:垂~。投~。~钓。

  • 古代指竹简:~牍(书信)。


(竿子) pole; rod:

  • 撑竿

    supporting pole;

  • 钓鱼竿

    fishing rod;

  • 竹竿

    bamboo pole [rod]

  1. 浅谈GPS技术在竿影日照图测量中的应用

    On the Application of GPS in Pole - Shadow Graph Surveys

  2. 广泛应用于帐篷竿、玻璃钢门窗等产品。

    Widely used for tent pole , FRP doors and windows etc.

  3. 我把钓鱼竿靠在一棵松树的大树枝上。

    I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough .

  4. 弹性竿模型下超螺旋DNA分子的构象研究

    A study on conformations of DNA chain under the elastic rod model

  5. 铝薄膜和铅薄膜的电子生长褪火对铅薄膜稳定性的影响、铅薄膜中电子态及利用STM进竿原子操纵的研究

    The Effect of Annealing to the Stability of Lead Film , Electron States in Lead Film and Manipulate Mass Atoms Using STM

  6. 这家公司曾经怀有成为新时代的华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)的抱负,建造愤怒的小鸟游乐场和主题公园,售卖愤怒的小鸟钓鱼竿、碳酸饮料,同时制作游戏和漫画。

    The company once had an ambition to become a new-age Walt Disney , building Angry Birds playgrounds and theme parks , selling Angry Birds fishing rods and sodas as well as making games and cartoons .

  7. 花旗竿属(Dontostemon)植物的区系地理成分及其生态地理分布规律的分析

    An Analysis of the Floristic Geographical Elements and the Laws of Ecological Geographical Distribution of the Genus Dontostemon

  8. 本文简要介绍了钓鱼竿用大丝束(60K)碳纤维预浸料熔胶膜法浸渍工艺,并着重就影响预浸料质量的几个主要因素进行了讨论。

    The hot-melt impregnation process of large tow carbon fiber ( 60K ) prepreg to prepare fishing rods is briefly introduced in this paper ; in addition , several typical factors which affect the quality of the prepreg are also discussed in detail here .

  9. 你怎么能用一根短竿钓到星星呢?

    How can you catch a star with a short rod ?

  10. 不断上升的离婚率是“豆竿家庭”产生的一部分原因。

    The rising divorce rate partly explains the growth of the'beanpole'family .

  11. 首先,别过多的晃动你的竿尖。

    First , don 't shake your rod that much .

  12. 悬挂的竿可能传导顶石中累积的力量。

    The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone .

  13. 爬行类植物用竿支持,比如豆类植物。

    Support on poles , of climbing plants , such as beans .

  14. 用竹子可以制成很好的拐杖和钓鱼竿。

    Bamboo can be made into good walking sticks and fishing poles .

  15. 竿是由纤维玻璃钢制成,弹性极好。

    They are made of fiberglass and are extremely flexible .

  16. “你的杖,你的竿,都安慰着我”

    " Thy rod and thy staff , they comfort me . "

  17. 关于过竿问题与多台机床上零件加工的排序问题(Ⅱ)

    On the Passing Through a Rod Problem and Multi-Machine Scheduling Problem (ⅱ)

  18. 而另一只手最常拿着的是钓鱼竿。

    In the other hand he most often had a fishing pole .

  19. 你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。

    Your rod and your staff & they comfort me .

  20. 神总是用祂的竿和杖指引我们。

    God always sends His staff with His rod .

  21. 这弯曲点是确定于竿身的“锥度”。

    This point is determined by the " taper " of the rod .

  22. 限制广告对青少年吸烟率有竿见影的效果。

    Restrictions on advertising had an immediate impact on rates of teenage smoking .

  23. 我正在运动商店寻找一种有弹性的钓鱼竿。

    I was looking for a flexible fishing pole at the sporting store .

  24. “不,先生,”韦竿勇敢地说,但同时他的眼睛往下看了。

    " No , sir ," said Wade bravely but his eyes fell .

  25. 竿身锥度也直接影响它的动态。

    This taper contributes directly to the " action " of a rod .

  26. 我们用两条毛毯和几根长竿搭成一个临时帐蓬。

    We improvised a tent out of two blankets and some long poles .

  27. 喇叭筒,电话用竿支撑,而且垃圾容易地离开的,也。

    Microphones , telephone poles , and trash are easily removed , also .

  28. 王宫里,专门有个吹竿的乐队,足足有三百人。

    In the palace , there was a band of fully 300 yu players .

  29. 广告力求立竿见效,在有限的篇幅中浓缩较大的信息量是其语言的一大特点。

    Advertisements attempt to take effect immediately , and the language is always highly-concentrated .

  30. 结40:8他又量向殿门的廊子、一竿。

    Then he measured the porch of the gate facing inward , one rod .
