
tiáo zhou
  • whisk broom
笤帚 [tiáo zhǒu]
  • [whisk broom] 原指用细竹枝束成的扫地用具,现常指用已脱粒的高粱穗或黍子穗等扎成的扫地、除尘用具

笤帚[tiáo zhou]
  1. 一种新型增强纤维笤帚苗纤维的开发研究初探

    Preliminary study on whisk broom fiber as a new type of plant fibers

  2. 她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!

    She needs no old woman 's broomstick to fly withal !

  3. 他们使用小笤帚刷掉钻在作品缝隙中的雪屑。

    They use small brooms to brush off snow caught in tiny holes .

  4. 拿起笤帚去清扫某人的房子。

    Take a broom and clean someone 's house .

  5. 好在小猫有爱玩的天性,很快狭必哈便放松了警惕,抓着笤帚苗玩了起来。

    Fortunately , kittens all like playing and he played with the broom soon .

  6. 说完,她又拿起了笤帚和铲子,继续工作。

    Finished , she picked up a broom and shovel , to continue working .

  7. 为了和他交流,我和老公只能和他保持一段距离,用笤帚抚摸他。

    So we had to keep a distance to touch him with a broom .

  8. 依旧先用笤帚抚摸他,再渐渐过渡到用手抚摸他。

    We also caressed him with broom first , and then with my hands .

  9. 进屋,把笤帚放在原处,他想往起收拾铺盖。

    Returning indoors , he replaced the broom and decided to roll up his bedding .

  10. 我已经忘记笤帚了。

    I had forgotten about the whisks .

  11. 我打翻了烟灰缸,所以我们需要个笤帚把那儿的脏东西清理一下。

    We need a broom to clean up the mess left when I knocked over the ashtray .

  12. “笤帚不到”,他说,“灰尘不会自己跑掉。”

    " Where the broom does not reach ", he said ," the dust will not vanish of itself . "

  13. 每个套间的设施同时也包括吸尘器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。

    Equipment provided within the flat also includes a vacuum cleaner , sweeping brush , dustpan and brush , mop and bucket .

  14. 对我的干净程度表示满意后,他拿出我注意过的两把桦木笤帚,并招呼我去桑拿室。

    Content that I was clean , he picked up two of the birch whisks I had seen and beckoned me through to the sauna .

  15. 她脸上挂着厌烦的表情,不时地用脚踢着、是用笤帚戳着躺在地上的人。

    With an impatient look on her face , she time and again kicked the people who were lying on the floor or jabbed them with her broom .

  16. 再不会有人那样喝水还耍帅,模仿王力宏扔矿泉水瓶子,拿着笤帚和我追打,走廊上故意伸腿拌我摔倒

    And then no one would also like to drink water Shuashuai , Lee Hom imitate threw mineral water bottles , and I took Tiaozhou Zhuida , corridors Shentui deliberately mix * I fall

  17. 每个宿舍配有也包括吸尘器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。在每个传统宿舍内有一个公共电视。

    Equipment provided within the Hall also includes a vacuum cleaner , sweeping brush , dustpan and brush , mop and bucket . A communal television lounge is also available in each traditional hall .

  18. 一来为有点事做,二来为消灭痕迹,他一声没出,在屋角摸着把笤帚,去扫雪。

    Partly in order to find something to do and partly to wipe out his tracks , he quietly picked up a small broom from one corner of the room and went out to sweep away the snow .