
  • 网络Chinese Society of Education
  1. 他同时也是中国教育学会副主席。

    He also the deputy chair of the Chinese Society of Education .

  2. 中国教育学会教育史分会第十一届学术年会综述

    A Summary of the 11th Annual Conference of the Educational History Sub-commission of the Chinese Society of Education

  3. 服务教育改革引领教育科研&中国教育学会教育理论刊物分会2005年年会纪要

    Serving education reform , leading education research : Sub-commission of CSE in 2005

  4. 中国教育学会教育理论刊物分会2005年年会于浙江宁波召开。

    The meeting of the Educational Theories Publication Sub-commission of CSE in 2005 was hold in Ningbo Zhejiang China .

  5. 中美教育专业团体的功能比较&以中国教育学会和美国全国教育协会为例美全国教育测验协会美全国教育测验协会

    The Function Comparing of Education Professional Organization Between China and US-Take China Educational Society and the American Nation Education Association as Example

  6. 该课是中国教育学会历史教学研究会1998年年会上的两节观摩课之一。

    The lesson is one of the two lessons for demonstration in 1998 Annual Meeting of History Teaching Research Institute , China Education Institute .

  7. 开拓创新精心经营促进教育理论刊物的可持续发展&中国教育学会教育理论刊物专业委员会2003年年会纪要

    Adhering to Innovations and Efficient Management to Promote Sustainable Development of Educational Theory Journals & A Summary of the 2003 Meeting by Professional Committee for Educational Theory Journals under China Education Society

  8. 高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革&中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会综述

    Multiple Perspectives of Higher Education Quality and Reform of Evaluation on Higher Education

  9. 中国高等教育学会贺词

    Speech of Congratulation of China Society for Higher Education

  10. 数学教育改革的一件大事&中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会简介

    A Major Event in Reform of Mathematical Education & Synopisis of Chinese Mathematical Society for Educational

  11. 中国高等教育学会的发起、筹备和成立不仅是中国高教研究史上的一件大事,也是中国教育史上的创举。

    The initiation , preparation and establishment of Higher Education Research Academy of China was not only a great event but also a " pioneering work " in the higher education history of China .