
  • 网络Jingyuan County
  1. 第三部分靖远县代课教师的产生原因。

    The third part analyzes the origin about retained-teacher of Jingyuan County .

  2. 因此,本研究通过甘肃省靖远县代课教师工作、生活透视,试图揭示代课教师的生存现状以及乡村教育的隐忧。

    This research is trying to discover the educational secret worry of temporary teachers ' present conditions and country education through their work and life in Jingyuan County Gansu Province .

  3. 靖远县代课教师的存在除全国共同的原因外,还有其地方特点。

    In addition to common reason , it has its local characteristics .

  4. 李壮和妻儿一家四口住在甘肃省中部的靖远县。

    Li and his family live in Jingyuan , in the centre of Gansu .

  5. 然而,靖远县的官员表示,情况终于开始有所改善。

    In Jingyuan , however , officials say the situation is at last beginning to improve .

  6. 通过调查与深入访谈,描述了靖远县代课教师的现状特点,揭示了代课教师工作、生活的现实情况。

    From the investigation and the interview , it describes their present characteristics , and realistic circumstances .

  7. 宋雪芳的家乡在中国西北部甘肃省尘埃满天的靖远县。县城的医生判断不出她的毛病在哪儿。

    Doctors in Mrs Song 's dusty county of Jingyuan in China 's north-western Gansu province could not tell what was wrong .

  8. 清代顺治元年更名靖远卫,雍正八年改称靖远县。

    Junji the first year of the Qing Dynasty changed its name Wei Jingyuan , Yongzheng was renamed eight years Jingyuan County .