
  • 网络Jingbian;jingbian county
  1. 2007年陕西省靖边县一起学校B型流行性感冒暴发疫情的调查

    Investigation of influenza B outbreak in school in Jingbian county , Shaanxi province , 2007

  2. 在陕西省靖边县进行大田马铃薯滴灌毛管布设方式试验,初步研究了几种滴灌毛管布设方式对马铃薯生长及地温的影响。

    Through the experimentation of potato drip capillary emplacing manners preliminary study on potato growth and soil temperature effects in Jingbian county , Shaanxi province .

  3. 陕西靖边县人民法院于周日公布了此项判决。

    A court in northwest China 's Shaanxi Province Sunday annouced the verdict .

  4. 关于新农村建设中节能问题的探讨&以陕北靖边县农村建设示范村农宅为例

    Energy-saving Issue in New Rural Construction : Taking Farmhouses in Model Village of Rural Construction in Jingbian Country in the North of Shaanxi Province as an Example

  5. 以靖边县为对象,对县级土地利用数据库数据的收集、数据源的确定、数据处理和数据库的建设,采用地理信息系统技术进行设计和评价。

    In the process of constructing land use database in Jingbian County , the data collection , the decision on spatial data origins , the data handling to the construction of land use database are planned and evaluated based on GIS at county level .