
  • 网络secondary instrument;DCS
  1. 它通常由一次仪表和二次仪表组成。

    Usually CMF is composed of primary instrument and secondary instrument .

  2. 二次仪表采用嵌入系统设计。

    The secondary instrument employs embedded system that can deal with complicated tasks .

  3. 基于PC实现二次仪表型消光式烟度计的数据实时采集

    Realization of Real-time Data Acquisition of Traditional Instrument Smoke-meter

  4. 介绍了传感器具体结构及二次仪表。

    The structure of the sensor and the instrument are introduced .

  5. 经调试证明,该二次仪表的设计方案是成功的。

    The design plan is tested and proved to be successful .

  6. 温度二次仪表自动校准虚拟仪器系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Virtual Instrument System for Automatic Temperature Calibration

  7. 该仪器主要由探头部分和二次仪表组成。

    This apparatus is composed of detector part and secondary-instrument .

  8. 电子皮带秤二次仪表的发展

    The Development in Integrator of Electronic Belt Scale

  9. 智能通用型二次仪表的研制

    The development of intellectualized all-purpose secondary instrument

  10. 基于uC/OS-II的齿轮流量计二次仪表的设计

    Design of Gear Flow Meter Integrator Composed By uC / OS - ⅱ Real Time Operator System

  11. 可进行函数运算的二次仪表

    Secondary Instrument With Functional Operations

  12. 涡街流量计的二次仪表设计

    Redesign in Vortex Flow Meter

  13. 提高超声波测量油罐液位技术的精度可通过采取改进测量方法、减少二次仪表误差等措施实现。

    Improving measurement way and reducing secondary instrument 's errors can increase the accuracy of this technology .

  14. 它主要由安装在现场的油位传感器以及安装在安全区控制室内的光电转换器、二次仪表、数据显示、计算机数据处理等部分组成。

    This system consists of a level sensor allocated at the site , data display and processing by computers .

  15. 温度的准确测量主要取决于温度传感器以及与之配套的温度二次仪表。

    Whether the temperature is accurate or not is mainly depends on the temperature sensor and the electronic temperature instruments .

  16. 为使其误码率为零,二次仪表采用了可以防止任何位置晃动所引起误差的判向电路。

    The secondary meter can be provided with direction decisive circuit so as to avoid errors due to any position movement .

  17. 介绍了一种用于测量二次仪表中充满管道的过热蒸气流量和载热计算的人工神经网络。

    In the paper , a kind of artificial neural network models applied in measuring instrument for calculating measurand is suggested .

  18. 接收换能器接收到经过流动信号调制后的超声波信号后,如何准确提取流动信号是保证二次仪表性能的关键。

    It is important to accurately extract fluid flow signals from ultrasonic signals , so the method of envelope demodulation was adopt .

  19. 介绍了一种在内调制光电探测器的基础上采用单片机系统对其输出信号进行收集并处理,构成二次仪表的实现方法。

    A novel method is introduced in this paper by using monolithic microcomputer to gather and process the signal of intramodulated photodetector .

  20. 测温仪表精度对热油管道能耗的影响校验仪检定配热电偶数字温度二次仪表不确定度分析

    Influence of Thermometry System 's Precision on Energy Consumption of Hot Oil Pipeline The Uncertainty Analysis of Digital Theraml Couple Temperature Instrument Calibrator

  21. 当仪表带有远距离传送系统及二次仪表时,应连同二次仪表一起检定、校准。

    If there are long distance transmission systems and accessorial instruments attaching to the gauge , they all should be appraised and calibrated .

  22. 二次仪表采用独特的相敏检波及正负峰值锁存的通道处理过程,使计算机采样大为简化。

    The seondary meter uses unique circuits of phase-detecting rectification and peak to peak value latch , so it simplifies the computer sampling .

  23. 本文把虚拟仪器与温度二次仪表检定相结合,构建了基于虚拟仪器的温度二次仪表校准系统。

    The temperature calibration system based on virtual instrument is developed by combining virtual instrument and the technology of temperature calibration in this paper .

  24. 由于使用环境、使用方法不当等因素的影响,作为计量器具的温度二次仪表可能产生不同程度的失准和故障,需要定期给与维护与检定。

    Due to the impact of working environment and incorrect operation , electronic temperature instruments may result in certain kind of inaccuracy or malfunction .

  25. 论文首先概述了温度二次仪表校准技术的发展与现状,指出了温度二次仪表校准系统研究的必要性,介绍了虚拟仪器的发展及其突出特点。

    The development and status about temperature calibration technologies are fist summarized , and the research necessity of temperature calibration system is pointed out .

  26. 传统的液压测试技术主要依靠试验操作者手动操作,数据采集方式为:传感器+模拟二次仪表。

    The traditional hydraulic technology of test depends on the manual operation , and the way of data collection is sensor and simulation quadric meter .

  27. 过程控制系统中,当温度检测回路出现故障,如某温度二次仪表显示不正常时,需快速诊断出究竟是二次仪表问题,还是一次测温元件热电阻问题。

    When there is failure in temperature inspecting ioop of control system , to rapidly diagnose that either displaying instruments or detecting elements is disorder .

  28. 二次仪表包括以单片机为核心的测量控制单元、显示单元、打印单元和超阈值报警单元等部分。

    The secondary-instrument is actually a micro-controller system , which consists of a single-chip micro-controller cored measure-controlling unit , display unit , printing unit and alarming unit .

  29. 二次仪表的任务是对传感器的输出信号进行处理,通过测量其相位差的大小来计算流量。

    While secondary instrument is to deal with signals from the sensors and measure the mass flow by calculating the phase difference between two channels of signal .

  30. 与传统的一次仪表、变送器加二次仪表的测量方法比较,节省了资金投入,实现了可靠的压力测量效果。

    Compared with the measure method of traditional sensing instrument , transducer and display instrument , saving bankroll and reliable pressure measure is realized with the measure system .