
  • 网络Upkeep;maintenance costs;maintenance charge;maintenance fee
  1. 自1991年以来,韩国一直分担美国驻军的维护费用,包括驻韩美军雇佣的韩国文职人员的费用以及军事设施的建设和后勤支援。

    Since 1991 , South Korea has shared the upkeep cost for U.S. soldiers , including costs for South Korean civilians hired by the U.S. Forces Korea , construction of military installations , and logistics support .

  2. 像所有花园广场的居民一样,她支付一小笔维护费用,大约每年50英镑,另外像网球场等其它设施以小时收费。

    Like all residents of garden squares , she pays a small amount , about 50 a year in her case , towards upkeep costs and then per hour for other facilities , such as tennis courts .

  3. 财务(Finance)关注成本驱动、合同管理、价值链的费用、回报率、维护费用。

    Finance looks at cost drivers , contract management , cost of the value chain , rate of return , and costs of maintenance .

  4. 我们提出的licenses和第一年维护费用是$6200000。

    Our proposed cost for licenses and first-year maintenance is $ 6,200,000 .

  5. 与此同时,业主和管理人员希望HVAC设备能具有低的管理和维护费用。

    Also , building owners and operators want reliable HVAC systems that have low operating and maintenance costs .

  6. 根据网络运行情况可以选择GPS的传送网时间同步替代方案,可以有效节约TD基站的GPS设备安装和维护费用。

    According to the network running conditions , we can choose transmission network time synchronization for GPS devices which can greatly reduce the installation and maintenance costs of GPS devices .

  7. AGS大大提高了软件的开发效率,提高了软件质量,并减少了维护费用。

    AGS promises higher software development efficiency , better software quality , and less maintenance expenses .

  8. GIS可靠性高,运行维护费用低,占地面积小,有成熟的运行经验,但造价较高,用二次电缆较多;

    GIS is high in reliability and low in operation and maintenance cost with small land occupation and mature operation experiences , but is cost is relatively high and it needs more consumption of secondary cables .

  9. TEACO2激光器因其独特的特点和低廉的维护费用,对于红外多光子分离同位素来说是一种很理想的光源,在单频红外多光子离解分离同位素的实验中取得了较高的分离系数。

    Because of theory unique points and cheap maintenance cost , TEA CO_2 Laser is a very ideal illuminant for infrared multiphoton isotope separation , has gotten high separation factor in single-wavelength multiphoton isotope separation experiment .

  10. IT关注组建策略,COTS,过程,工具,重用,EnterpriseArchitectureIntegration(EAI),采购策略,标准,技术,遗产,维护费用。

    IT looks at strategies for components , COTS , process , tools , reuse , Enterprise Architecture Integration ( EAI ), outsourcing strategy , standards , technologies , legacy , and maintenance costs .

  11. 这样,极大的缩短了POS应用的开发周期,节省了维护费用,因而有极其广泛的应用前景。

    In this way , great shortening the development period that POS uses , has safeguarded the expenses sparingly , therefore there are extremely extensive application prospects .

  12. 波纹磨损会导致噪音增大和维护费用上升,而RCF则缩短了钢轨的寿命并引起长期的安全隐患。

    Corrugation causes increased noise and higher maintenance costs while RCF shortens rail life and is a constant safety issue .

  13. 本文就此提出了一种基于CDMA的远程图像监控系统,它利用CDMA网络作为通信通道,具有高速、可靠、费用低(按流量计费)、维护费用少等优点。

    This paper presents a remote image surveillance system based on CDMA . Using CDMA network as its communication channel , it displays merits like high-speed data transmission , robustness , low charge and low cost in maintenance .

  14. 为了在实施CIMS的过程中,不必每次都对车间控制器进行重新设计和开发,有必要研究具有广泛适用性的车间控制模型,以降低企业的开发和维护费用。

    In order to avoid not to redesign work shop controller every time when carring out the CIMS , a more suitable workshop control module is necessary for cutting down the high developing and maintenance cost .

  15. 可根据用户需要进行建设及网络运行、维护费用低等优点。LMDS网络由骨干网络、网络运行中心、服务区中的基站系统和服务区中的用户端设备组成。

    LMDS 's advantages include high-capacity , multi-services , fast engineering completion , fast recoupment , construction on user 's requirements and low network operation and maintenance expense .

  16. 结合工程实践,遵循低能耗、低维护费用和达标排放的原则,选择了CASS技术进行设备改进,以新研制的导流曝气机替代传统鼓风曝气机。

    Abided by low energy-consumption , low maintaining expense and the integrated wastewater discharge standard , CASS process is selected here'to perform a modification with new-innovated aerator in place of fan and matched pipe .

  17. 与孔板流量计和罗茨流量计相比,在流速大于5m/s时涡街流量计的准确度较高,并具有测量范围宽,安装、维修方便,清洗、维护费用低等特点。

    The practice proves that this flowing meter has high accuracy , wide limite of measurement , convenient maintenance , and low maintenance cost , etc , compared with hole-plate flowing meter and Roots flowing meter .

  18. SDH技术具有高速、大容量、资源利用率高、管理和维护费用低等优点,其产品在现有的接入网和核心网中获的广泛应用,发展前景巨大。

    SDH technology has the advantages of high speed , large capacity , efficient resources utilization , and low costs of management and maintenance . The products based on SDH technology is widely used in existing access networks and core networks , and found huge prospect .

  19. 尽管柴油机热效率高,燃油经济性和动力性都比较好,坚固耐用,维护费用低,应用极其广泛,然而氮氧化物(NOx)及碳烟微粒(PM)排放高,难解决。

    Although with the advantage of higher thermal efficiency , better fuel economy and dynamic performance , durability , low maintenance costs , wide range application , the amount of nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) and soot particles ( PM ) emissions is high and difficult to resolve .

  20. 与传统的金属结构加固方法相比,FRP加固金属结构技术具有许多突出的优点,如不会导致严重的应力集中、不会产生残余应力、施工方便、维护费用低等。

    In contrast to the traditional retrofit method for repairing damaged metallic members , the use of FRP composites emerges as an alternative strengthening method and there are several advantages , such as without stress concentrations , no residual stress , easy to construct and low maintenance cost .

  21. 目前,大多数的T2弛豫时间定量图谱都是在超导磁共振系统中实现的,但是由于超导系统昂贵的价格和后期维护费用,国内医院的磁共振成像仪普及率较低。

    At present , most of the quantitative T2 mapping techniques are implemented in high-field superconducting MR systems . However , the superconducting MR scanner has not been popularly used in domestic hospitals due to its high prices and maintenance costs of superconducting systems .

  22. 同时,GGH的取消是可行的,不但减少占地面积,而且一套精心设计的湿烟囱FGD的总投资和运行、维护费用比装有GGH的FGD要低得多。

    At the same time , canceling the GGH is viable . A set of wet chimney FGD system compare to the system which with GGH was Not only economic area , but also has much lower investment and operation expenses .

  23. 采用大型HHE型压缩机,不仅吨氨可降低电耗201.91kWh,而且减少了设备维护费用,提高了劳动生产率,改善了生产环境,消除了安全隐患。

    The use of the large Model HHE compressor not only reduces power consumption by 201 . 91 kWh per tonne of ammonia but also decreases the maintenance charges of the equipment , increases labor productivity , improves the production environment , and eliminates the hidden safety peril .

  24. GGH可以降低吸收塔的入口烟温,提高烟囱出口烟温和烟气抬升高度,但也存在初投资大、运行维护费用高等问题。

    The GGH can reduce the inlet gas temperature of absorption tower , enhance the outlet gas temperature from chimney , and raise the height of flue gas , but some problems , such as large capital investment , high operation and maintenance cost etc. , are still existing .

  25. 利用该原理制成的设备结构简单、运行及维护费用低,是一种高效除尘设备。

    And it has advantages of simple structure and low expenses .

  26. 软件的开发时间长,维护费用高。

    The maintenance expense of software systems becomes higher and higher .

  27. 基于机组寿命等值损耗模型的维护费用计算

    Calculation of Maintenance Cost Based on the Proportional Life Setback Model

  28. 轮椅磨损和本身的价格以及维护费用。

    Wheel chairs wear out and are expensive and require maintenance .

  29. 柔性自动化机械系统虽然有许多优点,但投资大、控制难、维护费用高;

    Although with many advantages , Flexible mechanical system needs heavy investment .

  30. 设计开采水平时巷道维护费用的计算方法

    Economic reckoning method of the cost of roadway maintaining in mine design