
  • 网络affiliate program;Alliance Program
  1. 另外,你也可以建立分销联盟计划。

    Also , you should set up an affiliate program .

  2. 如果你有自己的联盟计划,你可能创造现成的广告,为您的子公司。

    If you have your own affiliate program , you probably create ready made adverts for your affiliates .

  3. 加入Intergraph的SmartPlant联盟计划,艾默生优化了PlantWeb工程工作步骤

    Emerson optimizes PlantWeb engineering work processes by joining Intergraph 's SmartPlant alliance program .

  4. 通过认证之后,开发商即可享受brew联盟计划的所有益处。

    Once authenticated , developers receive all the benefits of the brew alliance program .

  5. (vi)决定本联盟计划和通过三年预算,并批准决算;

    ( vi ) determine the program and adopt the triennial budget of the Union , and approve its final accounts ;

  6. 该组织联盟计划发起一场公益诉讼。

    The group alliance intended to launch a public interest litigation .

  7. 全国教师教育网络联盟计划背景下的教师自主专业发展

    Teacher-based Professional Development on the Background of Teachers Network Connection Programme

  8. 她想要证明她参与了联盟计划的那些证据

    Now she wants proof of her meddling with the initiative 's plans .

  9. 还需要多多花功夫来推介联盟计划。

    Coalition plans have much to recommend them .

  10. 欧洲联盟计划,以测试其二十七个会员国所有中心。

    The European Union is planning to test all centers in its twenty-seven member nations .

  11. 美国公民自由联盟计划就此判决向第二巡回上诉法庭提起上诉。

    The ACLU plans to appeal the ruling to the second circuit court of appeals .

  12. 全国家族农场联盟计划呼吁更多的积极行动以保护全国的57000名奶农。

    The National Family Farm Coalition is calling for more emergency action to protect the nation's57,000 dairy farmers .

  13. 假如德国的立场占了上风(很有可能如此),那么银行业联盟计划将无可挽回地遭到失败。

    If the German position prevails and it may well do the project of a banking Union will have irrevocably failed .

  14. 健康联盟计划和蓝十字蓝盾声称他们计划中的一部分会支付100%,但另一部分不会。

    Health Alliance Plan and Blue Cross Blue Shield said some of their plans pay100 percent of the cost , but some do not .

  15. 美洲开发银行、社会进步信托基金和国际开发署等是美国执行争取进步联盟计划的双边机构。

    Planning Skill Inter-American Development Bank , Social Progress Trust Fund and Agency for International Development were bilateral mechanisms to carry out the Alliance for Progress .

  16. 与此同时,力图向世界另一最活跃的航空市场扩张的星空联盟计划周四圈定其第一家印度成员。

    Meanwhile , Star , seeking to expand into another one of the world 's most-dynamic aviation markets , plans to select its first Indian member airline today .

  17. 自那以后,德国对将在今年内起草的建立银行业联盟计划一直顾虑重重。

    Since then , Germany has piled one misgiving on top of another about plans for a banking union to be drawn up by the end of the year .

  18. 让供给经济学派伤心的是,执政联盟计划将种种收入补助计划纳入单一福利,随着受益人收入的增长,慢慢减少对其的补助。

    In a stab at supply-side economics , the coalition plans to fold myriad income support schemes into a single benefit with a slow withdrawal rate as recipients ' incomes rise .

  19. 布鲁塞尔开始就有关承诺进行咨询,这有力的表明,最近几个月三家航空公司和欧盟官员之间有关联盟计划的磋商卓有成效。

    The fact that Brussels has started to consult on the commitments offered is a strong indication that discussions between the three carriers in the proposed alliance and commission officials have been productive in recent months .

  20. 这些比赛是太平洋十二校联盟全球化计划(Pac-12GlobalizationInitiative)的一部分。

    The games are part of the Pac-12 Globalization Initiative .

  21. 美国沥青研究联盟战略计划项目(ARC)评述

    Review on Asphalt Research Consortium ( ARC ) Strategic Plan Project of USA

  22. 按照建立更紧密财政联盟的计划,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)将对违背承诺的国家提出详细的调整方案。

    Under the plans for closer fiscal union , the European Commission would present detailed adjustments for a country in breach of its commitments .

  23. 在约翰内斯堡大街上卖水果的FortuneGora相信这次事故是由反对权利共享协议的民族联盟分子计划的。

    Fortune Gora , who sells fruit on the streets of Johannesburg , believes the accident was planned by elements of ZANU-PF who oppose the power sharing accord .

  24. 但是,她对叙利亚总统Basharal-Assad给予了最严厉的批评。她说,上周Basharal-Assad接受了旨在保护叙利亚百姓的“阿拉伯联盟和平计划”,但是他却拒绝执行其中的任何一项条款。

    But she reserved her sharpest criticism for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad , who she said has spurned every provision of the Arab League peace plan he accepted last week to protect Syrian civilians .

  25. 联盟在计划什么如何阻止

    what the Initiative is planning and how to stop it .

  26. 中小企业动态联盟生产计划与库存控制

    Production Planning and Inventory Control in Virtual Organization for Small Medium-Sized Enterprises

  27. 非洲工业化联盟行动计划

    Plan of Action for the Alliance for Africa 's Industrialization

  28. 为此,将模型驱动方法引入到制造联盟资源计划的开发中。

    For this aim , the model-driven method is introduced to design MARP .

  29. 制造联盟资源计划技术参考模型

    Manufacturing Alliance Resource Planning Technical Reference Model MARP-TRM

  30. 最后对制造联盟资源计划的运行机制、制造联盟资源计划协议以及制造联盟资源计划组件进行了介绍。

    Finally , the running mechanism , protocol and components of MARP are introduced .