
qǐ sù quán
  • right to sue;right of action;right of prosecution;the right to pursue a suit
  1. 行政诉权中的起诉权是原告资格实现的条件。

    The right of action in administrative litigation is the premise of the plaintiff qualification .

  2. 通过分析我国刑事诉讼法有关不起诉权的相关规定,阐述了我国检察机关不起诉权的性质、理论价值、实践意义以及在现实司法实践中存在的问题。

    Through analysis of the relevant provisions of abandonment of right of action of Chinese criminal procedure law , the quality , theory value and practical significance of abandonment of right of action in procuratorial organ of China , and the problems existing in our judicial practice were elaborated .

  3. 检察机关民事起诉权的设置与限制

    The Installation and Restriction of Procuratorial Organ 's Civil Action Power

  4. 民事起诉权保障研究

    On the Protection for the Civil Right to Institute a Suit

  5. 论民事起诉权

    On the Right to Institute a Litigation A CIVIL ACTION

  6. 工会获得赋予非暴力行动的豁免起诉权。

    Unions were granted immunity from prosecution for non-violent acts .

  7. 检察机关公益诉讼起诉权研究

    Research on Public Service Lawsuit Prosecution Right by Procuratorial Organ

  8. 本案的决议阐明了起诉权法律的几个要素。

    The SCRAP decision clarified several elements of the law of standing .

  9. 论我国酌定不起诉权行使的条件

    On the Condition of Conditional Non Prosecution in China

  10. 法院认为原告不具备起诉权。

    The Court held that the plaintiff lacked standing .

  11. 专利被许可人的起诉权初探

    A Tentative Discussion on Lawsuit Right of Patent Licensee

  12. 关于起诉权保护的思考

    Thoughts on the Protection for the Right of Prosecution

  13. 行政公益诉讼原告资格之构建&赋予检察机关的行政公益诉讼起诉权

    Qualifications of Administration Litigation of Public-interest & Administration Indictment Right of Prosecution Institution

  14. 反垄断法私人起诉权的作用分析

    Analysis on the Role that Private Action Right Plays in Anti - Monopoly Law

  15. 然而,在环境起诉权这个问题上不应该设置不可逾越的障碍。

    It should not , however , pose an insuperable barrier to environmental standing .

  16. 起诉权包含了原告与个案中所提出的问题之间的关系。

    Standing involves the relationship between the plaintiff and the issues in the case .

  17. 六是赋予民事、行政案件的起诉权。

    Sixthly , endow procuratorial organ with prosecuting power of civil and administrative cases .

  18. 最高法院下一个决议对环境起诉权也采取了一种开明的态度。

    The Supreme Court 's next decision also took a liberal approach to environmental standing .

  19. 联邦最高法院曾经在4个主要案例中考虑过起诉权问题。

    The Supreme Court has had occasion to consider the standing issue in four major cases .

  20. 起诉权问题已经引起环境案例中许多诉讼。

    The standing issue has given rise to a great deal of litigation in environmental cases .

  21. 有的国家采取起诉权国家垄断主义,刑事追诉权由国家统一行使。

    In some countries , prosecution power rest only with the state which monopolizes the prosecuting power .

  22. 国外环境民事起诉权的发展及对我国的启示

    Development of right to sue on foreign environmental civil law suit and it 's revelation to China

  23. 此问题涉及市场主体拥有法律所规定的起诉权。

    This question is involved there is prosecution right that laws stipulates in the market main body .

  24. 通过赋予检察机关以公益诉讼起诉权,才可能使公益的保护具有可实践性。

    Only by giving procuratorial organ such a right can it protect public interests in the real sense .

  25. 完善征地程序,赋予被征地农民知情权、参与权和起诉权;

    Improve solicit land program , compose peasant knowing right , participating in right and bringing the suit right ;

  26. 具有了起诉权并不意味着原告肯定能依据其是非曲直而获得审理。

    The existence of standing does not mean that the plaintiff will necessarily get a hearing on the merits .

  27. 在我国,反垄断法没有明确消费者起诉权,有待于进一步明确。

    In China , there is no clear consumer the right to sue antitrust laws need to be further clear .

  28. 规定由合适人选提出诉讼即公认的“起诉权”原则。

    The requirement that the suit be brought by the proper individual is known as the doctrine of " standing " .

  29. 从我国宪法及其民事实体法和民事诉讼法相关规定中我们同时都能找到当事人行使起诉权的法律依据。

    From our constitution law and civil entity law and other prescription , we can find the basis litigant perform litigious right .

  30. 日本被害人仅有准起诉权,我国赋予被害人直接起诉权。

    In Japan , the victims hold the " relative right of prosecution ", but China gives the victims the right of direct prosecution .