
  • 网络Guzhen;guzhen county
  1. 固镇县耕地地力评价两种方法的比较研究

    Comparison of Two Methods of Land Fertility Evaluation of Guzhen

  2. 固镇县全球基金第一轮结核病控制项目实施效果评价

    Evaluation on Implementation Effect of Global Fund Tuberculosis Controls Project Round 1 in Guzhen County

  3. 探索个性化的规划空间&固镇县二中新区规划方案设计

    Exploring Individualized Planning Space & Planning Scheme Design of the No.2 Middle School 's New Schoolyard of Guzhen County

  4. 文章通过对固镇县二中新区的设计目标、总体布局、景观设计的介绍,探索如何创造有个性的校园新区。

    The paper explores how to create the individualized schoolyard through the introduction to the design target , overall arrangement and landscape design of the Second Middle School 's new schoolyard of Guzhen County .