
  • 网络Northern Plateau;Northern Tablelands
  1. 在Sapa地区(北部高原),整个生长季晚疫病对马铃薯作物都是主要威胁。

    In Sapa , a northern highland , late blight is a major threat to any potato crop during the growing season .

  2. 中国北部高原地区谷子(粟)品种高产稳产性的评价

    Evaluation on High and Stable Yield Ability of Foxtail Millet in the North High Plateau Area in China

  3. 北部高原春谷中晚熟区试谷子品种稳定性研究

    A Study on Stability in the Regional Test Middle-late Spring Foxtail Millet Varieties at the Northern High Plateau Area

  4. 对参加我国北部高原区谷子品种联合区试的14个品种的丰产性、稳产性、主要性状的适应性以及它们之间的关系进行了初步研究。

    Yield stabilities , adaptive capacities of main characters and the relationship among them in the 14 regional test varieties were preliminarily studied at the northern China 's high plateau area .

  5. 如果进入西部地区,你会发现自己身处坡度不大的丘陵和平缓的草地,并突然会碰到荒凉萧瑟的高地,好像北部高原将自己的一部分留在了此地。

    If you go down into the West Country , among rounded hills and soft pastures , you suddenly arrive at the bleak tablelands as if the North had left a piece of itself down there .

  6. 快要到达亚利桑那州北部的高原地带时,它又开始蠢蠢欲动。

    When we approached the high plateau of northern Arizona it began to stir .

  7. 很久以前,在威尔士北部的高原上,生活着一只黑色的大猎犬,名叫贝德格勒特。

    Long ago in the highlands of North Wales there lived a large black hunting dog called Beddgelert .

  8. 陕北民歌是流行于陕西省北部黄土高原的民间歌曲的统称。

    The northern Shaanxi folk songs are popular in the northern part of the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Province folk songs collectively .

  9. 在黑龙江、内蒙古阴山山脉、贺兰山北部乌兰察布高原等地是北系岩画集中的地区。

    Most northern Chinese rock paintings are found in the Yinshan mountains in Heilongjiang and the Helan Mountains in Inner Mongolia autonomous Region .

  10. 榆林地处陕西北部黄土高原与毛乌素沙地交错地带,是国务院第二批公布的国家级历史文化名城,是我国古代重要的军事重镇。

    Yulin is located in the Loess Plateau and the Mu Us Desert Transitional Zone in northern Shaanxi Province , is the state department announced the second batch of the national famous historical and cultural city .

  11. 水平连通井技术在内蒙古乌兰察布气化采煤工程中的应用在黑龙江、内蒙古阴山山脉、贺兰山北部乌兰察布高原等地是北系岩画集中的地区。

    Application of Horizontal Connected Well Technology in Coal Gasifying Extraction in Ulanqab , Inner Mongolia Most northern Chinese rock paintings are found in the Yinshan mountains in Heilongjiang and the Helan Mountains in Inner Mongolia autonomous Region .

  12. 贺兰山岩画与阴山岩画的艺术特色和文化内涵比较在黑龙江、内蒙古阴山山脉、贺兰山北部乌兰察布高原等地是北系岩画集中的地区。

    The Comparative Study of the Artistic Characteristics and the Cultural Connotation of the Petroglyphs Found in the Helan Mountains and the Yinshan Mountains Most northern Chinese rock paintings are found in the Yinshan mountains in Heilongjiang and the Helan Mountains in Inner Mongolia autonomous Region .

  13. 忻州,位于山西省北部的黄土高原,是一块古老而神奇的土地,自然风光旖旎,文化资源丰富。

    Xinzhou , located on the loessial plateau in the north of Shanxi Province , is a land of antiquity and wonders , with amazing natural landscapes and abundant cultural resources .

  14. 本文在综合东北印度洋域5支深海钻芯和7支活塞柱状芯资料的基础上,对该区沉积作用及其形成的记录与北部山脉和高原隆升的关系进行讨论。

    On the basis of the data from 5 drilling cores and 7 piston cores collected in the northeast Indian Ocean , the relationship between sedimentation in the oceanic region and uplift of the mountains and plateau to the north of the region is discussed in the paper .

  15. 巴基斯坦首都,位于该国北部的一个高原上;于年被选定为首都。

    The capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau ; the site was chosen in 1959 .

  16. 《陕西榆林老城》榆林位于陕西省的最北部,在黄土高原和毛乌素沙漠的交界处。

    The old city of Yulin , Shanxi province Yulin lays the most north of Shanxi province , the juncture of loess plateau and Maowusu desert .