
hǎi yāo
  • siren
海妖[hǎi yāo]
  1. 这话听起来真像是个诱惑水手走向死亡的海妖。

    So speaks the siren , leading the sailors to their death .

  2. 这香味就像海妖的歌声。

    Those spices are like a siren 's song .

  3. 我们可能希望约束自己、迫使自己表现得更好,就像奥德修斯(Odysseus)让人把自己捆在桅杆上(以抵挡海妖歌声的诱惑)那样。

    We may wish to bind ourselves to better behaviour , like Odysseus to his mast .

  4. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  5. 古希腊领袖奥德修斯(odysseus)为了抵御海妖歌声的诱惑,命令船员把他绑在桅杆上。

    The Greek leader Odysseus ordered sailors to tie him to the mast so he could resist the song of the sirens .

  6. 血精灵与海妖通过德拉诺的时空门逃跑。

    The blood elves and Naga flee through the portal to draenor .

  7. 她被供奉给海妖。

    She was to be sacrificed to a sea serpent .

  8. 赫拉克勒斯不能与海妖抗衡。

    Hercules stands no chance against the sea monster .

  9. 报告海妖的行为,

    To report the behaviour of the sea monster ,

  10. 我能听见她每天暖身,就像一个动人歌声的海妖在那儿唱歌。

    I can hear her warming-up , bellowing like a siren through the scales .

  11. 血精灵与海妖联盟。

    The Blood elves ally with the Naga .

  12. 教我聆听海妖的歌。

    Teach me to hear mermaids singing .

  13. 女海妖从而引来了这场洪水。

    The sirens who sent the flood .

  14. “海神,海妖:海底,在歌曲和故事中拟人化.”

    " Davy Jones : The bottom of the sea , as personified in songs and stories . "

  15. 这位因出演《摩登家庭》而出名的明星绝对是海妖般的迷人存在。她知道如何用服装来衬托自己美丽的曲线。

    The " Modern Family " star is a true siren - she knows how to dress for her curves .

  16. 然而,法国对于梯也尔在议会上发表的自以为像海妖的歌声一样迷人的言辞置若周闻。

    France , however , turned a deaf ear to what Thiers flattered himself to be a parliamentary siren 's song .

  17. 一群女海妖之一,用她们美妙的歌声诱惑船只上的海员,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没。

    One of a group of sea nymphs who by their sweet singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks surrounding their island .

  18. 多年下来,当初创店时裸露胸部、双手各抓著一条尾巴的美人鱼图像已经改变成现今这个更图像化,阖家接受的女海妖图案。

    Over the years , their siren has been transformed from a bare-breasted mermaid grasping a tail in each hand to a more graphic , family-friendly image .

  19. 美人鱼那些半人半鱼的海妖只是传说中的海洋生物。美国国家海洋局的网上声明如是说。

    " Mermaids those half-human , half-fish sirens of the sea are legendary sea creatures ," read the online statement from the National Ocean Service ( NOS ) .

  20. 我们总是闭上眼睛,不去正视痛苦的现实,而倾听海妖的美妙的歌声,直到她把我们变成动物。

    We are APT to shut our eyes against a painful truth , and listen to the song of that siren , till she transforms us into beasts .

  21. 当爱丽儿来到岸上,她才发现海妖耍了她:她的腿走起路来就像醉汉一样蹒跚,并且她不能说话。

    When Ariel makes it to shore , she realizes the Sea-Bitch screwed her , as her legs work with the grace of a drunken paraplegic and she can 't speak .

  22. 歌声如此令人神往,他绝望地挣扎着要解除束缚,并向随从叫喊着要他们驶向正在繁花茂盛的草地上唱歌的海妖姐妹,但没人理他。

    It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters .

  23. 现在再去追究任何问题都是有害无益的,因为很危险。他极力想从这个蛊惑了他的有害无益的海妖身边挣脱开。

    It would be worse than useless now to make any inquiries , because it would be dangerous . He strove to tear himself away from the noxious siren that had bewitched him .