
xiān nǚ
  • fairy;nymph;fairy maiden;female celestial
仙女 [xiān nǚ]
  • [female celestial;fairy maiden] 年轻的女仙人。亦称仙子

仙女[xiān nǚ]
  1. 《董永与七仙女》的故事一直流传至今,成为了家喻户晓的经典民间口头文学。

    " Dong Yong with Seven Female celestial " the story has spread until now , has become the widely known classical folk oral literature .

  2. 她们就是让我们羡慕的生活在故事中、仙境里的仙女们。

    They are the life which lets us envy in the story , the fairyland female celestial .

  3. 他过去常幻想自己和仙女居住在海边的一座小木屋里。

    He used to have fantasies about living with a fairy in a wooden house near the sea .

  4. 你片子里的明星是耗子,小猫和胖的老仙女。

    Your film stars mice and cats with an old , fat fairy .

  5. 坏仙女什么时候跑掉了?

    When did the bad fairy run away ?

  6. 坏仙女变成了一条龙。

    The bad fairy becomes a dragon .

  7. 这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。

    The poor fairy maiden 's face turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady spot , following the object of her love with her longing7 eyes .

  8. 我一定要到醉花林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。

    I must search in the drowsy7 shade of the bakula grove , where pigeons coo in their corner , and fairies ' anklets tinkle8 in the stillness of starry9 nights .

  9. 对仙女湖景区进行了PEST环境分析和SWOT环境分析,指出了景区营销中的主要问题。

    Also a Fairy Lake scenic PEST environmental analysis and a SWOT environmental analysis point out that the main problem in the scenic marketing .

  10. 这些故事是由7岁至13岁的小学生写作的,从中可见小学生们用fairycake(仙女蛋糕)来指代cupcake(杯形蛋糕),晚礼服的说法也从tuxedo变成了dinnerjacket。

    The stories , written by pupils aged seven to 13 , show how fairy cakes are referred to as cupcakes and a dinner jacket has become a tuxedo .

  11. 介绍了本星系群中最大的旋涡星系M31(仙女星系)的基本观测性质。

    Observational properties of the largest Local Group spiral M31 ( Andromeda galaxy ) are presented .

  12. 在这支mv中,女歌手顶着七十年代的发型、穿着色彩鲜艳的礼服,用手中的仙女魔法棒变出了一群身着拉斯维加斯式的歌舞女郎服装的女舞者。

    In the video , the singer dressed in a colourful ball gown with a 70s hairdo , uses a fairy wand to make a group of female dancers , dressed in Vegas-style showgirl costumes appear .

  13. 而发生的另一个情况是,我们都随身携带小仙女MaryPoppins的技能,可以把任何想要之物放入,它不会加重,我们可以任意取用。

    And the other thing that happens is that we 're all carrying around little Mary Poppins technology . We can put anything we want into it , and it doesn 't get heavier , and then then we can take anything out .

  14. 北爱尔兰的巴利马尼区是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)的拍摄地,在传说故事中,那里的黑暗树篱(中下)里住着仙女,就像雅尼娜·珍妮特(JanineJanet)1957年创作的那种雕塑(上排中右)。

    In tales and fables , thickets like the Dark Hedges in Ballymoney , Northern Ireland ( bottom center ) , where " Game of Thrones " was filmed , are alive with fairy creatures of the kind sculpted by Janine Janet ( top center-right ) in 1957 .

  15. 更为有意义的是,清晰准确地检出新仙女本期气候冷干颤动事件,用同位素丰度变化拟合的降温幅度可达11C;

    What is more significant is that the dry cold oscillation event of the Younger Dryas has been detected accurately and distinctly . The temperature-lowering amplitude produced by fitting of the isotope abundance change may attain 11 C.

  16. 仙女星系(M31,NGC224)是本星系群中最大的旋涡星系,而且离银河系并不遥远,无疑为我们提供了有利的观测条件。

    Andromeda galaxy ( M31 , NGC224 ) is the biggest spiral in the Local Group . Since it is not far from Galaxy , it provides us a unique candidate that the galaxy structure and morphology can be observed carefully .

  17. 仙女:你仍然认为金子是最好的吗?

    Fairy : Do you still think gold is the best ?

  18. 你为什么要说谎?仙女伤心地问。

    Why are you lying ? @ the fairy asked sadly .

  19. 一个仙女爱上了一个农家子弟。

    A fairy lady fell in love with a peasant boy .

  20. 这里就是大海池,也就是仙女池。

    This is the Dahai Pool , or the Fairy Pool .

  21. 你知道“仙女和砍柴夫”吗?

    Do you know about " the fairy and the lumberjack "?

  22. 也许牙齿仙女会留给你点什么小玩意。

    The tooth fairy might leave you a little somethin'somethin ' .

  23. 要它买药给仙女吃。

    He wanted the snail to buy medicine for the fairy .

  24. 哦,你弄痛我了,亲爱的蓝仙女。

    Ow , you 're hurting me , dear blue fairy .

  25. “你再选一次吧。”仙女又一次说话了。

    " Choose again . " it was the fairy speaking .

  26. 善良的仙女使用魔力赶来了灰姑娘的马车。

    The good fairy made cinderella 's coach come by magic .

  27. 也许蓝仙女只是电脑病毒

    Or what if the Blue Fairy is an electronic parasite ...

  28. 我非常喜欢你们,幸运仙女说。

    I like you very much , 'said the Luck Fairy .

  29. 他也在那,在仙女座附近。

    He 's up there , too , next to andromeda .

  30. “你在那里遗失的?”仙女问。

    Where did you lose them ? @ asked the fairy .