
  1. 爱国教育家、南开学校创办人张伯苓逝世。

    Patriotic educator and the founder of Nankai university Zhang boling died .

  2. 张伯苓的现代能力教育思想及其当代意蕴

    Zhang Boling 's Educational Thought of Modern Capabilities and the Contemporary Implications

  3. 张伯苓是南开大学的创建者。

    Zhang Boling was the creator of Nankai University .

  4. 爱国与救国的双重协奏:张伯苓的德育思想

    The Double Concerto of the Patriotic Salvation : Zhang Boling 's Moral Thought

  5. 知中国,服务中国:张伯苓的南开大学办学之路

    " Knowing China and Serving China ": Zhang Boling and the Unique Characteristic of Nankai University

  6. 教育之成功源于为师之本&谈张伯苓的人格力量

    Personality strength based on teaching is the reason for success in education & Brief comment on Zhang Bolin 's personality strength

  7. 张伯苓,我国近代著名的爱国主义教育家,南开系列学校的创始人,是中国近代民办教育的成功典范。

    Zhang Boling , our modern well-known patriotic educator and founder of Nankai series of schools , is a successful example of private education in modern country . He was attracted to sports and also proficient in sports .

  8. 第二部分,以人脉关系为主线,叙述克伯屈与中国留学生(包括张伯苓、陶行知、朱启贤等)的交往及深厚情谊,反映了克伯屈对中国人民的友好感情。

    According the clue of persons , the second part traces the contacts and friendships between Kilpatrick and his Chinese disciples , including Zhang Boling , Tao Xinzhi and Zhu Qixian , reflecting his friendly feelings to Chinese people .