
  • 网络iris chang;Chang, Iris;Iris Shun-Ru Chang
  1. 张纯如女士的著作的优点在于她全心钻研书的主题,但其中仍有一些不足之处。

    The strength of Iris Chang 's book is that she is steeped in her subject , but it has weaknesses .

  2. 我是张纯如在美国的母亲,张盈盈。我读到了许多关于你新拍电影《南京!南京》的新闻报道。

    I am Iris Chang 's mother , Ying-Ying , here in United States . I have read many Chinese news reports .

  3. 在张纯如女士等人的强烈要求之下,雷因纳德特才把一些可以复印的资料在1996年公布于众。

    At the urging of Chang and others , Reinhardt made copies available to the public in1996 .

  4. 张纯如女士于1994年结婚,并移居加利福尼亚,在那也找到了比较称心的写作工作。这使得她走上了纂写传记文学的道路。

    By1994 Chang had got married , moved to California and was happily pursuing a writing career that had already resulted in one published biography .

  5. 通过她的书以及她后来的演讲和多次公开露面,张纯如女士在发动全世界牢记当年南京那段屈辱史中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Through the book and her subsequent lectures and public appearances , Chang has played an enormous role in forcing the world to remember what happened at Nanking .