
  • 网络Bosten Lake;bostan lake;Lake Bosten;bositeng lake;Bosten Hu
  1. 新疆博斯腾湖芦苇特性及其APMP制浆研究

    Characteristics of the Reed from Bosten Lake of Xinjiang Autonomous and APMP Pulping of the Reed

  2. 最后以博斯腾湖为例,利用RBF网络建立水质评价模型,模型评价结果趋势基本符合实际,效果较好。

    Then the RBF method is used in a case study about water quality assessment of Bosten Lake , and the results are in good agreement with monitoring data .

  3. 博斯腾湖水面蒸发量计算方法比较与验证

    Estimating the water evaporation from Bostan Lake with some different methods

  4. 博斯腾湖面积定量遥感

    Quantitative Detection of Bosten Lake Area Using NOAA / AVHRR Data

  5. 博斯腾湖气候效应初探

    Preliminary Study on the Effects of the Climate of Bosten Lake

  6. 博斯腾湖的水盐平衡与矿化度

    Water - salt equilibrium and mineralization of Bosten lake , Xinjiang

  7. 博斯腾湖流域水盐平衡模型研究

    Study on Water and Salt Balance Model in Bostan Lake Basin

  8. 博斯腾湖环境与资源的保护和可持续利用

    Resources sustainable utilization and environment protection of Boston lake , Xinjiang

  9. 博斯腾湖流域生态管理与监督措施初探

    Discussion on Ecological Management and Supervise Measure in Bosten Lake

  10. 博斯腾湖生态系统结构及其鱼载力分析

    Analysis on Ecosystem Structure and It 's Carrying Capacity of Bosten Lake

  11. 博斯腾湖流域污染治理与生态环境保护对策浅析

    Bosten Lake Basin Pollution Control and Ecological Response of the Environmental Protection

  12. 模拟了不同风向、风速下博斯腾湖大湖区水流运动特性。

    Simulating Bosten Lake , under different wind power , flow characteristic .

  13. 博斯腾湖浮游植物种群结构初步评价

    The Population Structure of Phytoplankton in Bostan Lake and Its Preliminary Evaluation

  14. 新疆博斯腾湖的水位动态短期预测研究

    Study on short term dynamic prediction for the water levels of Bosten Lake

  15. 博斯腾湖向塔里木河生态输水效果及风险

    Effect and Risk of Ecological Water Transportation from Bosten Lake to Tarim River

  16. 博斯腾湖水面蒸发量初步估算

    Primary Evaluation of Water Surface Evaporation in Bosten Lake

  17. 新疆博斯腾湖湿地生态质量的定量评价

    Quantitative Evaluation on the Ecological Quality of the Bosten Lake Wetlands in Xinjiang

  18. 中国新疆博斯腾湖全新世沉积环境年代学特征

    The Chronological Characteristics of Bosten Lake Holocene Sediment Environment in Xinjiang , China

  19. 博斯腾湖水质矿化度模型及预测研究

    Study on the mineralization model and prediction of water quality of Bosten Lake

  20. 关于博斯腾湖对降水量的影响&与荣其瑞同志商榷

    THE EFFECT OF BOSTAN LAKE ON PRECIPITATION ── Discussing with Mr. Rong Qirui

  21. 气候背景下冰川在博斯腾湖水量平衡中的作用

    Effect of glaciers change to water balance of Lake Bosten under climatic backgrounds

  22. 博斯腾湖水位变动对湿地生态环境的影响

    Influence of Water Level Change of Bosten Lake on Wetland Eco , Environment

  23. 近50年博斯腾湖与孔雀河水盐演变过程

    Differentiation of Water-salt-interaction in Bostan Lake and Peacock River in Recent Fifty Years

  24. 博斯腾湖生态保护规划方案研究

    Study on Ecological Protection Planning of Lake Bosten

  25. 博斯腾湖死库容水位为1047.20m。

    The water level of dead storage capacity of the Bosten Lake is 1047.2 m.

  26. 博斯腾湖区域景观生态风险评价研究

    Ecological Landscape Risk Assessment Study of Bosten lake

  27. 保护和改善博斯腾湖环境,恢复芦苇资源,具有重要意义。

    It takes on important significance of protecting and improving the Beston Lake environment .

  28. 新疆博斯腾湖生态环境变迁分析

    Analysis on the Evolution Trend of the Aqueous Environment of Bosten Lake in Xinjiang

  29. 博斯腾湖湖水污染现状分析

    Analysis on the Pollution Situation of Boston Lake

  30. 糖厂废水对博斯腾湖藻类影响研究

    Investigation of the Effect of Wastewater from Sugar Factory on the Algae in Lake Bosten