
guān cai
  • coffin;casket;tabut
棺材 [guān cái]
  • [coffin;casket] 盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣

棺材[guān cai]
  1. 棺材合上时发出一声闷响。

    The coffin closed with a dull thud .

  2. 将花费整整50万美元获取货真价实的17世纪的空气,注意了,是从一个内有尸体的铅制棺材里获得。

    A cool $ 500,000 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of , wait for it , an occupied lead coffin .

  3. 你不可能把钱带进棺材。

    You can 't take your money with you when you go .

  4. 棺材放在炽热的太阳下,周围是哀悼的人们。

    The coffins stood in the baking heat surrounded by mourners .

  5. 棺材慢慢放入墓穴时她一直注视着他的脸。礼仪许可的时间一到,他便挤过人群走向那些车子。

    She watched his face , as the coffin was lowered into the ground . As soon as it was decent , he plunged through the crowd towards the cars .

  6. 鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的坟茔。

    The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance , wantoning , it seemed , in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang .

  7. 看到那副棺材,他浑身一阵战栗。

    The sight of the coffin sent a shudder through him .

  8. 那口棺材已安放到坟墓里去了。

    The coffin was placed in the grave .

  9. 到寺庙里,捐赠棺材盒给这些死者吧

    Donate some coffins to the temple , equal to the number of deaths .

  10. 要是我妈妈知道了,她会从棺材里爬起来。

    If my mother had known of it she 'd have died a second time .

  11. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  12. 古代木乃伊制作技术能够保存法老尸体,如今为了搬家,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充了氮气,以防受外部环境的影响。

    While ancient mummification techniques originally preserved the pharaohs , for the move they have been placed in special nitrogen-filled boxes to help protect them against external conditions .

  13. 将来可以在棺材上钻孔从木乃伊里提取DNA。

    It is feasible that DNA could be removed at a later date by drilling into the casket .

  14. Cameron看看我找到了什么棺材

    Cameron , guess what I found.Coffins .

  15. 同时,为了宣传这一倡议,明星们更是拍摄了电视广告《最后一次更新与遗嘱》:躺在棺材中以显示他们的‘digitaldeaths(数字化死亡)’。

    For the campaign , the stars have filmed " last tweet and testament " videos and will appear in adverts showing them lying in coffins to represent their ' digital deaths .

  16. Rochelle你是打算帮我一起挑个棺材呢

    Rochelle , you going to help me pick out this casket ,

  17. 就像它们在最后一刻下调评级把安然(enron)钉死在了棺材里一样,这次可能也意味着末日降临至少是对花旗而言。

    Just as their last-minute downgrades of Enron nailed its coffin , these also might be the end , at least for Citigroup .

  18. 现年62岁的老汉菲尔-比赛特在eBay拍卖网站上以98英镑的超低价格,从一家殡仪馆购买了一口7英尺长、75公斤重的钢制棺材,并将其改装成一辆“棺材汽车”。

    Phil Bissett , 62 , bought the unusual handmade coffin for £ 98 on internet auction site eBay and has dubbed his new creation ' Holy Smoke ' .

  19. Rochelle明天我们要去殡仪馆选一副棺材

    Rochelle , tomorrow , we 're going to the funeral home to pick out a casket .

  20. 荷兰霍伦——2005年一月的一个寒夜,一个艺术品窃贼溜进西弗兰里博物馆(WestfriesMuseum),官方认为,夜间闭馆时,他就躲在一口17世纪棺材的盖毯之下。

    HOORN , The Netherlands - On a wintry night in January 2005 , an art thief slipped into the Westfries Museum here , the authorities believe , and hid beneath drapery on a 17th-century coffin as the doors were locked for the night .

  21. 这就是上周在Brunswick被杀害的8人中的7人。所有7人的棺材都被摆了出来。

    These were for 7 of the 8 people killed last week north of Brunswick . Again , all of them laid out , these coffins .

  22. 如果多花99美分,玩家还能用mk11式狙击步枪射击棺材形状的靶子。

    For an extra 99 cents , players can use a mk11 sniper rifle to shoot coffin-shaped targets .

  23. 这位爸爸JoseAlvarenga对每日电讯的记者说,我打开棺材想看看他的遗体,结果发现他在呼吸,我就开始哭了。

    I opened it to look at his remains and found that the baby was breathing , the father , Jose Alvarenga , told the Telegraph . I began to cry .

  24. 在英国南部的WoottonBassett小镇,当覆盖这国旗的死亡士兵的棺材通过小镇时,越来越多的人聚集起来,对他们致以最后的敬意。

    In the small town of Wootton Bassett in southern England growing crowds gather ever more frequently to pay their final respects as the dead are d and their flag-draped coffins driven through town .

  25. 同时他铲起一锹土,摔在棺材上。

    And he flung a shovelful of earth on the coffin .

  26. 难道你抱着那些钱一起进棺材吗?

    You won 't need any money when you 're dead .

  27. 人群长队依次缓慢地从棺材旁经过。

    A long line of people filed slowly past the coffin .

  28. 他回答说,“这种棺材终生保修。

    He replied , " It has a lifetime warranty . "

  29. 想要让他提早进棺材。

    trying to ride him into the grave before his time .

  30. 有谁想要这辈子就这样从囚禁自己的小房间走向棺材呢?

    Who wants to go from the cubicle to the casket ?