
  • 网络kohlberg;Lawrence Kohlberg;KKR
  1. 领域理论(DomainTheory)是继皮亚杰和科尔伯格道德发展理论之后,道德心理学研究的新方向。

    The domain theory is a new direction of moral psychology after the era of Piaget and Kohlberg .

  2. 科尔伯格(LawrenceKohlberg,1927&1987)作为美国当代著名的道德心理学家和道德教育理论家。

    Lawrence Kohlberg ( 1927-1987 ), who was an American moral psychologist and moral education theoretician , proceeded other experts in the field of moral cognition study at the time .

  3. 本文然后对知识联盟合作创新模式的特点进行分析,并结合博弈论模型相关理论,得出知识联盟合作创新建立联盟之前的博弈过程属于完美信息动态博弈过程,符合斯坦科尔伯格(Stackelberg)均衡模型。

    And then , combining the theory of game theory , it shows that before establishing the knowledge alliance the game process between the two alliance members is a kind of perfect information game model , which belongs to Stackelberg game model .

  4. 此前一天,美国私募股权巨头科尔伯格-克拉维斯-罗伯茨公司(KohlbergKravisRoberts)宣布将通过一项旨在改善食品安全和质量的协议,向中国最大的鸡饲养企业福建圣农发展股份有限公司注资约4亿美元。

    A day earlier , Kohlberg Kravis Roberts , an American private equity giant , announced an investment of about $ 400 million in China 's largest chicken breeder , Fujian Sunner Development , in a deal intended to improve food safety and quality .

  5. 科尔伯格是从认知领域来研究道德发展的。

    Lawrence Kohlberg studies moral development from the field of cognition .

  6. 科尔伯格夫妇在贝特谢梅什开设瑜伽馆的时间:2004年

    Year the Kolbergs opened their Beit Shemesh yoga studio : 2004

  7. 第一,关于科尔伯格的道德教育理论。

    Firstly , something about Kohlberg 's moral educational theory .

  8. 促进道德认知发展增强大学德育实效&探究科尔伯格道德认知发展理论有感

    Promoting Moral Awareness Development and Enhancing the Effectiveness of University Moral Education

  9. 科尔伯格的道德教育哲学给中学思想道德教育的启示

    Revelation to Middle School Moral Education at Present from Kohlberg 's Philosophy off Moral Education

  10. 一七九三年,科尔伯格衞戍部队的普鲁士军官成立廉价食堂。

    In1793 , the Prussian officers of the garrison of Colberg established an economical mess .

  11. 劳伦斯-科尔伯格是美国当代著名的哲学家、心理学家和教育家。

    Lawrence Kohlberg is a famous philosopher , psychologist and educator in contemporary era of America .

  12. 这意味着施坦威必须付给科尔伯格1335万美元分手费。

    It also means that Steinway will be required to pay Kohlberg a $ 13.35 million termination fee .

  13. 科尔伯格夫妇说,瑜伽可以帮助那些长时间祈祷和学习、基本不运动的人。

    The Kolbergs say yoga helps people who spend long days in prayer and study and aren 't physically active .

  14. 角色承担是由米德提出而被科尔伯格运用到道德教育领域中的。

    Role commitment is put forward as a new theory by Mead and is applied in the moral education domain by Kohlberg .

  15. 如果说皮亚杰开创了从认知领域对道德发展研究的先河,科尔伯格则是继皮亚杰之后采用认知发展取向研究道德发展的最杰出代表。

    Piaget creats a new situation , and Kohlberg is the most outstanding representative who studies moral development in this field after him .

  16. 科尔伯格把道德发展中的他律与自律称为道德判断的两种类型,道德类型说是其后期理论的重要发展。

    Kohlberg called heteronomy and autonomy two moral types in moral development . His moral typology was the important development of his late theory .

  17. 科尔伯格是美国当代著名的发展心理学家和道德教育学家,当代西方道德认知学派的创立者和最主要的代表人物。

    Lawrence Kohlberg was a famous American development psychologist and moral education theoretician , the founder and the main representative of moral cognition study .

  18. 基于他自己所提出的道德教育理论和对苏格拉底法的借鉴,科尔伯格提出了具体的道德教育方法&道德两难讨论法。

    Kohlberg supposes concrete moral education methods , i.e , moral discussion method in dilemma , which strongly opposes the instillation model and assist on leading model by a democratic way .

  19. 受以色列集体农庄的道德教育实践的启示及对涂尔干的集体道德教育理论的吸收,科尔伯格提出了更符合实际的公正团体模式。

    Enlightened by middle schools moral education practices of collective democracy in Israel and Durkheim 's collective moral educational theory , Kohlberg puts forward a more practical and just community model .

  20. 这两种方法因为分别吸收了苏格拉底和柏拉图的道德教育方法的精髓,也被科尔伯格分别形象的称之为新苏格拉底法和新柏拉图法。

    They were called respectively " the new Socrates ' approach " and " the new Plato 's approach " by Kohlberg for absorbing the essence of Socrates ' and Plato 's moral education approach .

  21. 本文从活动道德教育论和主体性道德教育论的角度对此策略进行了理论论证,利用科尔伯格的公正团体策略对此模式蕴涵的德育资源及其优势进行了德育价值分析。

    From the perspective of Activity Moral Education Model and the Subjectivity Moral Education , the thesis elaborates the moral education strategy and analyzes the advantages of moral education based on the just community strategy by Kohlberg .