
ɡōu biān zǎo
  • dinoflagellate
  1. 黑龙江省东部中侏罗世至早白垩世沟鞭藻组合序列

    The Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous dinoflagellate assemblage sequence from Eastern Heilongjiang

  2. 生物标志物以分子化石的形式记录了沟鞭藻的起源及演化历史。

    Biomarker , as molecular fossil , recorded the origin and evolutionary history of dinoflagellate .

  3. 研究剖面位于西班牙西北部ASTURIAS地区,该区富含沟鞭藻化石,共发现沟鞭藻45属114种;

    The study section located in Asturias , northwestern Spain , contains very rich dinocysts comprising a total of 114 species and subspecies .

  4. 南海ODP184航次1148站位渐新世沟鞭藻生物地层

    Oligocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy in northern South China sea , site 1148 of ODP leg 184

  5. 通过B-3GC柱状样84个样品的分析,获得了冲绳海槽北部全新世高分辨率沟鞭藻孢囊记录。

    Through the analysis of84 samples collected from the core B-3GC in the northern Okinawa Trough , a high resolution dinoflagellate cyst record of the Holocene has been obtained .

  6. 柴达木盆地始新统沟鞭藻及其油源意义

    Eocene Dinoflagellate in Qaidam Basin and Its Significance on Hydrocarbon Source

  7. 沟鞭藻的起源:分子地球化学证据

    The origin of dinoflagellates : molecular geochemical evidence

  8. 从水动力学角度探讨沟鞭藻孢囊形态对沉积环境的适应

    A discussion on cyst morphology : an adaption to environments in terms of hydrodynamics

  9. 中白垩世非海相沟鞭藻化石在世界上极为罕见。

    ABSTRACT Non-marine dinoflagellate fossil of middle cretaceous is very rare in the world .

  10. 在此基础上,进行了沟鞭藻孢囊、有机碳、有机碳同位素、生物硅含量等指标垂向分布特征研究。

    In this core , the vertical distributions of dinoflagellate cyst , organic carbon , carbon isotope and biogenic silica were studied .

  11. 通过研究对沟鞭藻所反映的古环境变迁进行了详细分析,证实在森诺曼土仑期本区明显受到了全球缺氧事件的影响。

    Other semiquantitative data related to the palaeoenvironments also show dramatic changes , indicating that fluctuations were obviously influenced by Oceanic Anoxic Events .

  12. 此外,好氧有机质的降解对沟鞭藻孢囊保存有重要影响,因此沟鞭藻孢囊并不是指示富营养化演化的理想指标。

    Besides , the preservation of dinoflagellate cyst is affected by aerobic organic matter decay . So dinoflagellate cyst was an ideal proxy .

  13. 甾醇是重要的藻类生物标志化合物,4-甲基甾醇及其衍生物可指示沟鞭藻的输入。

    Sterols are important algal biomarkers , and the occurrence of 4 - methyl sterols in sediment can indicate the existence of dinoflagellate .

  14. 出现有“海相”沟鞭藻、有孔虫和钙质超微化石是由于当时湖泊咸化及富养料造成的。

    The presence of the " marine " Dinophyceae , foraminifera and calcareous ultramicrofossils are attributed to the salinized lakes and abundant nutrients .

  15. 为研究沟鞭藻孢囊含量和组合的分布规律,分析了南海38个站位的表层沉积样品。

    Surface sediment samples at 38 sites of the South China Sea were collected and analyzed to study the contents and assemblage distributions of dinoflagellate cysts .

  16. 化石组合中含量较低的海生沟鞭藻表明,长江三角洲地区在硬质粘土形成时曾受到海水影响。

    Whereas low content of Dinoflagellate in the palynological assemblages shows that the area might be influenced by the sea water when the Hard Clay was deposited .

  17. 以上这些数值正和沟鞭藻化石反映的油源丰度和成熟度相一致。本文结果证明用生物标志物判别石油母质来源、油层对比、油气丰度和成熟度乃是很有效的方法。

    , and therefore the authors consider that the biomarker method is also of significance to discrimination of the oil reservoir , abundance , and maturity of petroleum .

  18. 沟鞭藻有巨大的生烃潜力,其证据就是生油期与藻类繁盛期相吻合以及干酪根薄片中可以见到极个别的藻类化石。

    The proofs of potential ability of hydrocarbon generation of Dinoflagellate are the concordance of oil generation stage and flourish stage of algaes as well as several alages can be found in kerogen slices .

  19. 近年来鸡西含煤盆地早白垩世海相沟鞭藻及早期被子植物化石的不断发现,为确认城子河组及其下伏滴道组、上覆穆棱组的时代属早白垩世提供了重要的依据。

    On the basis of tectonic evolution in Junggar coal basin and taking coal mineral as " the fossil " and by way of studying the basin formation and tectonic evolution in every stage .