
  • 网络advanced database
  1. 综合葡萄品种学和葡萄酒工艺学等多门学科知识,采用高级数据库语言VISUALFOXPRO6.0成功地开发了酿酒葡萄原料评判系统。

    Integrate knowledge of ampelography and enology etc and use advanced database language Visual FoxPro 6.0 Wine Grape Materials Assessment System ( WGMAS ) was successfully developed .

  2. 使用ADO创建高级数据库应用

    Using ADO to Implement Advanced Database Application

  3. 有关高级数据库系统中的并发控制问题

    About the concurrency control for advanced database systems

  4. 分析总结了当前研究中的适用于高级数据库系统的几类典型的并发控制方法,并指出将来的发展方向。

    The current situation and the future directions of concurrency control for advanced database systems are also presented .

  5. 也就是说,它是一款非常灵活的工具,能在单台计算机或网络上提供高级数据库服务。

    In other words , it 's a flexible tool that can provide advanced database services on a single machine or across a network .

  6. 随着新的过程型,时间型等高级数据库应用的不断涌现,支持现代的数据库系统应该同时提供正确性、及时性和主动性,同时为了满足实时事务的时间限制,提高事务的可预报性。

    As new processes and applications come out , for example , project type and time type etc , modern database should be accurate , timely and initiative .

  7. 进销存管理系统融合了先进的管理理念、规范的业务流程和高级数据库技术对企业的核心业务中所涉及到的物料流、信息流和资金流进行管理和控制。

    Embedded with advanced management concept , standard business flow and database technology , the purchase-sale-stock management system holds a full management and control over the material , information and finance flow through the core business .

  8. Sequel支持高级的数据库特性,比如语句准备,参数绑定,主/从配置,以及数据库分片。

    Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared statements , bound variables , master / slave configurations , and database sharding .

  9. 下一篇文章将介绍其他一些高级的数据库主题,之后本系列将开始讨论如何从Java应用程序连接到ApacheDerby数据库。

    The next article will cover a few remaining advanced database topics , after which this series will begin discussing how to connect to an Apache Derby database from a Java application .

  10. 它提供易使用的高级关系数据库接口。

    It provides an easy-to-use , high-level interface to relational data .

  11. 加快人才供求信息网络枢纽和高级人才数据库建设,提高政府人才市场的信息化水平,对形成机制健全、运行规范、服务周到、指导监督有力的人才市场体系具有重要作用。

    Accelerating personnel supply and demand information network hub and senior personnel database building , improving the level of informationization talent market , a mechanism for sound , normal operations , thoughtful service , and effective personnel play an important role in the market system .

  12. 通过高级语言与数据库的数据传递,编写与AUTOCAD的接口程序。

    By data transmit of high-level language and data base , edit interface program to Auto CAD .

  13. NET对象群中一个重要的成员,它可以用于一般的Web数据库查询,也可以和其它控件结合起来实现高级的Web数据库查询以及查询结果的分页显示。

    NET . It can be used in general web database query , and also can be used in advanced web database query and result display by paging of query when it combines with other control .

  14. 高级语言对数据库DBASEⅢ资源的共享方法及其在局地气候研究中的应用

    A new method of sharing the datum of the database dBASE 3 in basic and its application to the local climate research

  15. 高级语言对数据库文件的直接调用

    The direct call of the database file by high-level languages

  16. 高级语言读取数据库文件方法

    A Method to Read Database File with Advanced Program

  17. 高级语言与数据库的B+树

    Higher Language and B + Tree of Databases

  18. 高级语言与数据库资源的接口传统上都必须通过一个过渡的标准数据文件。

    The interlock between the database and the program was traditionally a temporary standard data file .

  19. 基于Oracle高级复制的分布式数据库系统应用研究

    Research on the Application of Distributed Database Based on Oracle Advanced Replication

  20. 基于数据库的web信息系统中需要与数据库有大量的信息交流,高级编程语言和数据库系统本身都在发展,它们的功能也越来越强大。

    There are many communications between database library and application in web information system based on database . With the development of advanced programming languages and database .

  21. 最后,Pig是一个包括适用于Hadoop编程的高级语言的大型数据库集分析的平台。

    Finally , Pig is a platform for large data set analysis that includes a high-level language for Hadoop programming .

  22. 基于校园网成绩管理系统的应用设计,提出了ASP应用中的几种高级编程技术:数据库技术,ACtiveX技术,以及利用应用程序对象库技术实现网络打印,并给出了程序设计实例。

    Based on ASP , this paper introduces several advanced programming technologies , such as database technology , active X and web printing via objects for application program . In addition , we give out instances on online campus .

  23. 高级语言直接操作数据库文件的技术

    The technigue of operating database file directly in high level language programming

  24. 高级语言程序使用数据库

    Using database in advanced languge program

  25. 该算法在每个安全级上保存了数据库的两个快照,高级事务访问低级数据库的快照而不是访问正在工作中的数据库。

    The algorithm requires two snapshots of the database at all but the system highest security level .

  26. 通过组合低级服务,各种数据库的代理服务和生成实体的工厂服务,获得高级服务,即数据库代理。

    By combining lower services and database service and factory service which create new entities , we build up higher service , DataBase Broker Service .