
rù dìng
  • Settle in;trance;sit quietly and meditate
入定 [rù dìng]
  • [trance] 佛教徒的一种修行方法,闭眼静坐,控制思想,不起杂念

  • 老僧入定

入定[rù dìng]
  1. N从宾语位移入定语位,丙式成为被抑制格式(V+O)+N的一种自由的补偿形式。

    With N shifting from the object position to the attribute position , Type 3 becomes a free substitute for the retrained form "( V + O ) + N " .

  2. 可能今晚我是有点入定了吧。

    I guess I 'm just feeling contemplative this evening .

  3. 他失去了经过多年入定修行所获得的那种发自内心的快乐。

    He lost the inner happiness he had gained by years of meditating .

  4. 这还是他们第一次尝试入定中进行有目地的喜力调动。

    This is their first attempt in meditation to carry on the goal of enjoying strength reassignment .

  5. 圣僧返回房间,关了门,整夜都处在入定的最高境界。

    He returned to his room , closed the door , and meditated in a high mental state throughout the night .

  6. 然后,瑜珈组入定沉思60分钟,同时非瑜珈组则仅仅是阅读。

    Then , the yoga group was asked to engage in the meditative practice for60 minutes , while the non-yoga group simply read .

  7. 在这些美妙的乐声相伴之下,我们可以打坐入定甚深并与自然合为一体。

    With this wonderful music in the background , we were able to meditate very deeply and felt our oneness with mother nature .

  8. 有一次,那位徒弟大概入定太深,手脚都软了,一不小心把茶壶摔破了,他怕死了,不知道该怎么跟师父解释。

    Once , perhaps because he was too deep in samadhi and his limbs became weak , the disciple broke the teapot inadvertently .

  9. 女祭司常常是位受人尊敬的年长妇女,进入入定状态与上帝交流。

    A priestess , called the Pithiness , usually a respected older woman , went into a trance to communicate with the gods .

  10. 总体说来,佛、禅都有着因现实的无常而思入定,因痛苦而求超脱的大致相同的心理体验与精神追求。

    Totally speaking , Buddhism and Zen both have similar psychology taste and spirit aspiration because the thinking of realistic fleetness and the detachment of pain .

  11. 他在这个宁静的地方入定了很长时间,已经达到一种高深的意识境界&内心快乐无比。

    In this peaceful area he had been meditating for a long time , until he had come to enjoy the inner happiness of a high mental state .

  12. 如果我们没看到光,不过我们坐在那边很舒服,很清静,像入定一样,那也是很好体验。

    Suppose we do not see the light , but we can sit here feeling very comfortable and tranquil , as though in samadhi , then it is also a very good experience .

  13. 我让疼痛松散而去,成为纯粹的感觉——无关好坏,而是强烈的感觉——此种强烈感让我超脱自己而入定。

    I allowed the pain to lose its specific associations and become pure sensation - neither good nor bad , just intense - and that intensity lifted me out of myself and into meditation .

  14. 不论是在空中自由飞翔还是在封闭空间参禅入定,你都能感受到空中瑜伽的趣味和活力。悬挂式的练习有利于舒缓关节压力,促进血液循环以及减压。

    Whether flying through the air freely or forming a cocoon to find a state of zen , aerial yoga is fun and energetic . Being suspended helps decompress tight joints , promote blood flow , and relieve pressure .

  15. 以我本身为例子,三摩地或入定的状态并不给于我慰藉,幻象中没有慰藉,其他世界里没有慰藉,任何能达成的证悟中也没有慰藉。

    In My Own Case , there is no consolation in samadhis , or trance states , no consolation in visions , no consolation in going to other worlds , no consolation in any Realization that can be attained .

  16. 对于任何民族,只有一条道路从秘仪纵欲走向佛教节欲。佛教的教义,为了能够做到看破色空,就需要超空间,超时间,超个人的难得的入定境界;

    But from orgies a people can take one path only , the path to Indian Buddhism , and in order that this may be endurable at all with its yearning for the nothing , it requires these rare ecstatic states with their elevation above space , time , and the individual .