
  • 网络fleet;JETS
  1. 上证综指成份股中交易最活跃的股票是中国南方航空(ChinaSouthernAirlines)。按机队规模衡量,南航是中国最大的航空公司。

    The most actively traded stock on the Shanghai index was China Southern Airlines , the nation 's biggest carrier by fleet size .

  2. 最近两年,总部设在怀特霍斯的空中运输公司transnorthhelicopters将旗下直升机机队规模增加了一倍,目前拥有18架直升机,以应付育空区的需求。

    Trans North helicopters , based in Whitehorse , has doubled its fleet to 18 over the past two years to cope with demand in the Yukon .

  3. 现在,这些信息正在帮助GE的客户提高运营效率,进行预测性维护与诊断来减少停机时间,以及应用于机队管理的同步化。

    Right now , that information is helping GE customers drive higher operational efficiencies , predictive maintenance and diagnostics that can reduce downtime , and synchronized fleet management applications .

  4. 全球飞机机队的扩大以及MRO的需求影响基础执照、复训、机型执照和管理培训。

    The growing global aircraft fleet and subsequent demand for MRO services affects basic , recurrent , type and management instruction .

  5. 根据花旗(Citi)的估计,2010年客运及货运的增速应该能比机队的扩编速度高出一、两个百分点;三大航空公司的合计利润可能会超过2007年的水平。

    Passenger and freight growth in 2010 should exceed fleet expansion by one or two percentage points ; combined profits for the big three could top 2007 levels , on Citi estimates .

  6. 那些手头吃紧的军队则常常购买高端涡轮螺旋桨飞机来执行ISR及其他飞行任务,而许多国家都会避免拥有一支纯粹由昂贵的喷气战机组成的机队。

    Less affluent militaries often buy high-end turboprop aircraft to conduct ISR and other flights , and many eschew owning a fleet of expensive jet fighters altogether .

  7. 该公司还努力从OEM诸如空客公司获取“预先工作包”项目,由于机队相当庞大,该公司使用自己的数据库提前量身定做切合实际的计划。

    We 've also tried pre-packaged items from OEMs like Airbus , but because we manage such a big fleet of aircraft , we use our own databases to plan what we need well ahead .

  8. 翡翠航空(jadecargo)是深圳航空与德国汉莎航空(lufthansa)组建的合资企业,一年前开始运营,此后一直在以每三个月增加一架波音(boeing)747飞机的速度扩大机队。

    Jade Cargo , a joint venture between Shenzhen Airlines and German airline Lufthansa , started flying a year ago and has since been adding aircraft at the rate of one Boeing 747 every three months .

  9. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  10. 为躲避飓风兰利临时解除F-22的禁飞令:空军已经临时解除了兰利空军基地F-22机队的禁飞,以躲避飓风艾琳的愤怒。

    Air Force officials have temporarily lifted the grounding of the F-22 Raptor fleet based at Langley AFB , Va. , so the aircraft can avoid Hurricane Irene 's wrath .

  11. 欧洲低成本航空公司瑞安航空(Ryanair)宣布,计划为其机队配备机上移动通信服务,由此,移动电话在客机上的普遍使用有望于明年成为现实。

    The widespread use of mobile telephones on passenger aircraft could become a reality next year , after Ryanair , the European low-cost carrier , announced plans to equip its fleet with an onboard mobile service .

  12. 海翔航空将利用租来的DHC-6双水獭飞机组成的机队来运营这项业务&DHC-6双水獭飞机能够搭载16名乘客,是标志性的短距起降(STOL)两栖飞机,出产地是加拿大。

    Waterfront will operate with a leased fleet of dhc-6 twin otters & iconic , 16-passenger , STOL ( short takeoff and landing ) amphibious planes , manufactured in Canada .

  13. 通过可靠性闭环管理,持续监控机队可靠性水平,提高可靠性管理效率,并使其符合民航咨询通告AC-121-54可靠性方案的持续适航要求。

    Through the reliability management , continuous monitoring closed-loop reliability level , improve reliability fleet management efficiency , and make it conform to civil aviation advisory notice " AC-121-54 reliability plan " continued airworthiness requirements .

  14. 这些指甲盖大小的小薄片的存储密度达每千克160TB,也就是说满载MicroSD卡的联邦快递机队每秒可以运送177PB(或每天运输2ZB)的数据——这可是目前互联网流量的1000倍。

    Those thumbnail-sized flakes have a storagedensity of up to 160 terabytes per kilogram , which means a FedEx fleet loadedwith microSD cards could transfer about 177 petabits per second , or 2zettabytes per day-a thousand times the Internet 's current traffic level .

  15. 机队规划一直是航空公司重点研究的领域之一。

    Fleet planning is always one of research fields in airlines .

  16. 基于运力优化分配的机队规划及其鲁棒性分析

    Fleet Planning Based on Fleet Assignment Optimizing and Robust Analysis

  17. 世界需要雷鸟神机队,雷鸟神机队需要你们。

    The world needs Thunderbirds and the Thunderbirds need you .

  18. 传奇机队开火,摧毁目标。

    You are cleared to fire on target , legend .

  19. 采用系统工程与航空公司营运实际相结合的方法,编制机队规划。

    Fleet planning was developed by Combined Systems engineering and airline operations .

  20. 浅谈出口信贷及担保在机队融资中的应用

    A Brief Discussion on the Use of Export Credit Guarantee in Fleet Financing

  21. 但是像重新粉饰机队等工作将花费数年之久。

    But some changes like repainting a fleet of aircraft will take years .

  22. 我们正积极地扩充机队,为客户提供更优质的服务。

    We are aggressively expanding our fleet to provide excellent service to our customers .

  23. 发动机机队状态排序技术

    Technology for State Queue of Aero Engine Fleet

  24. 2002年中国机队腐蚀调查

    Statistical Survey on Corrosion in Chinese Airlines

  25. 几十年来日本航空公司的整支机队都依赖于波音公司。

    Japan Airlines has relied on Boeing for its entire fleet of aircraft for decades .

  26. 印度航实施远程机队研究

    Air India Approves Long-haul Fleet Study

  27. 突击队,国王队,布鲁因斯队和喷气机队是在哪个专业的运动联盟中?

    The Rangers , kings , Bruins and jets all play in what professional sports league ?

  28. 机队规划模型的建立及其应用

    Fleet Planning Modeling and Its Applications

  29. 机队的保养及维修工作,大部分在九龙湾的总部内进行。

    The GFS carries out most of the maintenance work in its headquarters in Kowloon Bay .

  30. 喷气机队的高身价成员的名字,被放置在上层舱台下的荣誉圈中间。

    The names of Jets'worthies were displayed on a Ring of Honor below the upper deck .