
  • 网络Cervical plexus block
  1. 目的比较相同浓度罗比卡因和利多卡因与布比卡因和利多卡因用于颈神经丛阻滞的麻醉效果。

    Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of lidocaine-ropivacaine and lidocaine-bupivacaine used in cervical plexus block .

  2. 目的探讨右美托咪定辅助颈神经丛阻滞行甲状腺手术的可行性及安全性。

    Objective To observe the effect of dexmedetomidine infusion as a supplement to cervical plexus block for thyroidectomy .

  3. 均采用C4一针法进行双侧颈浅神经丛及患侧颈深神经丛阻滞,所用药物为0.35%罗哌卡因。A组为单纯颈神经丛阻滞组(对照组);

    And single puncture of C4 site was performed in all of patients . And the drug of cervical plexus block was 0.35 % ropivacaine , which was injected to bilateral superficial plexus and deep plexus of affected side .