
  • 网络space defense
  1. 随着精确制导技术和卫星技术的发展,空间防御能力成为各个航天国家日益关注的课题。

    With the development of the precision guided munition and satellite technology , the space-faring nations are increasingly concerned about the capability of space defense .

  2. 随着人类对空间探索能力的增强,空间防御技术已成为各个航天国家日益关注的课题,并逐渐成为衡量国防实力的重要指标。

    With the ability to enhance human space exploration , space defense technology have become the subject of increasing concern for space-faring nations , and as an important indicator to measure the strength of national defense .

  3. 高分辨率激光成像技术可以提供角分辨率达nrad量级的高分辨率图像,能够为空间防御和空间监测提供可靠的图像资料,满足了现代战场的需求。

    The technology of high resolution laser imaging could provide high graphics with an angular resolution of nrad , thereby could satisfy the demands of the modern battlefields .

  4. 美国空间防御系统的若干进展

    Several Advances in America Space Defence Systems

  5. 拥有查明每个程序、每封电子邮件或其它互联网传输信息来自何方的能力,是网络空间防御领域的一种至关重要的优势。

    A key advantage when it comes to defending cyberspace is the ability to know where each programme , email or other piece of Internet traffic is coming from .

  6. 美国加强空间优势和导弹防御系统

    US Space Asymmetric Advantage and Missile Defense System

  7. 其中,对空间红外目标的检测及跟踪一直是空间防御中不可缺少的环节。

    The space infrared target detection and trace have always been an indispensable part of defense .

  8. 为了争夺空间优势,保证国家安全,开展反卫星武器及空间系统防御的研究具有重要的战略意义。

    In order to compete for space superiority and guarantee national security , it is of strategic importance to research anti-satellite weapons and space defense .