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  • 网络Li Ho
李贺 [lǐ hè]
  • [Li He] (790-816)字长吉,唐代福昌(现在河南省宜阳西)人。南园,是李贺在家读书的地方。他写了《南园十三首》,慨叹当时有许多作品不切合实用,悲秋一类诗文用在战争中无济于事

  1. 论李贺诗歌三重境界中凸现的生命意识

    On the Awareness of the Life in Li He 's Poems

  2. 其次,从使用典故的作用这个方面来分析李贺用典的艺术。

    Secondly it analyses allusion skill in Ii He 's poems .

  3. 李贺诗歌中,色彩描写运用得相当频繁。

    Color description is frequently applied in LI He 's Poems .

  4. 论李贺诗歌的风格及其形成。

    On the styles of Li he 's poems and th .

  5. 李贺诗歌的结构艺术

    On the Artistry of the Structure of LI He 's Poetry

  6. 李贺的生命价值意识

    On the value-sense of life in LiHe 's Poetical works

  7. 论道教文化对李贺诗歌的影响

    The Influence of Taoism culture to Li He 's Poems

  8. 论李贺诗歌中的怨女形象

    The Gloomy and Distressed Female Image in Lihe 's Poems

  9. 论李贺诗歌的生命主题及其构成

    On the Life Subject and Its Structure of LI He 's Poems

  10. 李贺与济慈作品的艺术特色

    On Artistic Features of the Verses by Li He and John Keats

  11. 李贺的死亡意识与酒神精神

    On the Death Awareness and Dionysus Spirit of the Poet Li He

  12. 李贺白玉楼传说研究

    A Study of the ` White Jade ' Legend about Li He

  13. 论李贺诗歌修辞艺术

    Rhetoric Means with the Artistic Achievement in the Li He 's Poems

  14. 李贺诗歌的特点及其教育学思考

    A thought of LiHe 's poetic characteristic and its education

  15. 论李贺诗歌的凄怨意象及其成因

    On Imagery of Complaints of Miseries by Li He and Its Reasons

  16. 激越凄戾奇崛冷艳&论李贺诗歌的思想艺术

    On the thought artistic achievement of Lihe 's Poetry

  17. 试析李贺诗歌情感表述语的选择

    A trail analysis of choice of feeling expressional words of Lihe 's poems

  18. 试析李贺诗歌的病态美

    On the Beauty in the Morbid State of Li He ′ s Poems

  19. 浅谈李贺诗歌的魔幻现实主义特征

    A Discussion on the Realistic Characteristics of Fantasy in Li He 's Poems

  20. 李贺是心理异化的天才。

    Li Huo is a genius for psychological alienation .

  21. 论李贺诗歌蒙太奇式意象组合的结构方式

    Explore the Structural Pattern of Montage Imagery Combination of Li He 's Poems

  22. 李贺是中唐时代一位独特的诗人。

    Li He was a poet peculiar to the middle of Tang Dynasty .

  23. 奇:李贺诗歌的审美特征之一

    On the Unusual Characteristics of Li He 's Poems

  24. 李贺诗歌的童话艺术思维

    Fairy & Artistic Thinking of LI He 's Poems

  25. 李贺诗歌的死亡氛围

    Atmosphere of Death in Li He 's Poems

  26. 李贺诗歌艺术论

    On the Artistry of Li He 's POems

  27. 李贺27岁而没,其死因至今是一个谜。

    Why Li He died at the age of 27 has been a mystery .

  28. 李贺诗歌之美学特征及其成因

    On the Aesthetic Features and its Cause of Formation of Li He 's Poems

  29. 李贺诗歌艺术上的缺陷

    The Artistic Defects in LI He 's Poem

  30. 把握李贺诗歌中所表现出的生命意识,对于理解他的诗歌具有重要意义。

    A mastery of this consciousness is of great significance to understanding his poetry .