
  • 网络Lesions;skin lesion;skin changes;skin changs
  1. 结论:JDM多以皮肤损害为首发症状,后期可引起钙质沉着;

    Conclusion : The first symptome of JDM is skin lesion at most , which can result in calcinosis late in the course of the disease .

  2. 新生儿输液致皮肤损害1例

    A newborn with skin lesion caused by intravenously fluid infusion

  3. 3代患CHILD综合征:轻度或极轻度皮肤损害的重要性

    CHILD syndrome in 3 generations : The importance of mild or minimal skin lesions

  4. 主要的ADR类型为皮肤损害,其次是全身性损害和胃肠系统损害。

    The main symptoms of ADR were skin damage , gastro-intestinal damage , fever etc.

  5. 并发皮肤损害HIV感染者和AIDS患者CD4~+计数及中医证型研究

    The Research on Cell CD4 ~ + Counts and Zheng Pattern in TCM for HIV Infected Persons and AIDS Patients with Skin Lesion

  6. 主要的ADRs类型为皮肤损害:严重ADRs有11例(占13.9%)。

    11 cases had severe ADRs ( 13.9 % ) .

  7. TS各种常见的皮肤损害中胶原纤维增殖,弹力纤维减少。

    Excess of collagen and decrease of elastic tissue can be found in all the common cutaneous lesions of TS.4 .

  8. 本来维他命E是一种抗氧化物,研究发现它有助于对抗紫外线引起的皮肤损害。

    One of the most alarming examples is the use of Vitamin E in forms that have been indicated in research to increase the incidence of photocarcinogenesis , i.e.skin cancer .

  9. 典型病例易于诊断,其中皮肤损害是诊断HSP的必要条件。

    The typical case of illness easy to diagnose , in which skin harm is the essential condition of HSP .

  10. 目的:观察沙利度胺(thalidomide)对不同类型红斑狼疮(LE)皮肤损害的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effects of thalidomide on different types of cutaneous lesions of lupus erythematosus ( LE ) .

  11. 严重的ADR报告19例,主要临床表现为严重的皮肤损害,过敏性休克等。

    There are 19 cases of serious ADR in all the 264 ADR reports , and their common clinical appearances are skin damage and allergy shock .

  12. 目的:检测COX-2及MMP-2蛋白在鳞癌患者皮肤损害组织切片中的表达情况。

    Objectives : To examine the expression of COX-2 and MMP-2 in the tissue sections of SCC patients ' lesions , investigate the relationship between the expression and pathological features of SCC .

  13. 抗BMZ抗体的出现与SLE皮肤损害有关,而与病情活动、其他临床表现、抗dsDNA抗体无关;

    It is correlated with the development of skin lesions of SLE patients , but not with the activity of SLE , other clinical manifestations and anti-dsDNA antibodies .

  14. 静脉给药是引起ADRs的主要给药途径,主要的ADRs类型为皮肤损害,严重ADRs有11例(占13.9%)。

    The intravenous medication was the main route of medication resulting from ADRs . The main types of ADRs were skin damage . 11 cases had severe ADRs ( 13.9 % ) .

  15. 血清固定(sero-resistance):治疗后皮肤损害可迅速消退,但非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验却持续阳性,滴度不再下降,早期梅毒易出现血清固定;

    Sero-resistance : the skin lesions of the patient will soon disappear , but the nontreponemal test remains positive and its titer will not drop any more .

  16. 结果:各型LE患者的皮肤损害均对沙利度胺有良好反应,56例中有41例皮损痊愈,近期治愈率达73.2%,复发率为21.9%。

    Results : The cutaneous lesions of all 56 patients of lupus erythematosus were responded to thalidomide . Among those patients , 41 cases ( 73.2 % ) were cured . The incidence of relapse after drug withdrawal was 21.9 % ( 9 of 41 ) .

  17. ADRs表现以皮肤损害、过敏反应、神经系统、血液系统、肝肾损害、胃肠损害等较为多见.然而,传统的非甾体抗炎药普遍都具有导致胃肠道、肾以及肝损伤等毒副作用。

    The most commonly found ADRs included skin lesions , allergy , liver and kidney impairment , gastrointestinal damage , disorders of CNS and blood system . However , most of traditional NSAIDs could lead to the gastrointestinal damage , nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity .

  18. 结果儿科CTCL患者以皮肤损害为主要表现,多种多样,起病急、进展快、预后不良,且病变复杂,极易误诊。

    Results The lesion on skin is the main clinical feature of CTCL but varied and easy to be misdiagnosed . The progress of children 's CTCL is very fast with poor prognosis .

  19. 初步研究结果提示,HD-MTX治疗成人ALL疗效肯定,相对骨髓抑制较轻,黏膜皮肤损害较突出,毒副反应可以耐受。

    Im conclusion , the therapeutic scheme for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia with HD-MTX has the positive therapeutic effects with comparatively slight arrest of bone marrow but obvious mucosal damages , and acceptable toxicities .

  20. 目的研究三氯乙烯(TCE)对角质形成细胞(KC)线粒体膜电位的影响以及银杏叶提取物(GBE)的保护作用,为预防三氯乙烯皮肤损害提供理论依据。

    Objective To observe the change of mitochondrial membrane potential ( MMP ) in human keratinocytes after exposing to trichloroethylene ( TCE ) and the effect of ginkgo biloba extract ( GBE ) pretreatment on it , thereby obtaining some basic data for prevention of skin damage caused by trichloroethylene .

  21. 新生儿皮下注射肾上腺素引起局部皮肤损害的治疗

    Treatment of part of harm with adrenaline hypodermic injection for newborn

  22. 具有皮肤损害的全身型新型隐球菌病一例报告(附文献复习)

    Summary Systemic Cryptococcosis with Cutaneous Manifestations Report of a Case .

  23. 19例全身性念珠菌病伴皮肤损害的临床病理回顾

    Clinicopathologic review of 19 patients with systemic candidiasis with skin lesions

  24. 他的皮肤损害没有恢复,持续发热。

    His skin lesions did not resolve and his fever persisted .

  25. 以皮肤损害为主的恶性淋巴瘤转化为急性淋巴细胞白血病1例报告

    A Case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Transformed from Malignant Lymphoma

  26. 成人T细胞白血病/淋巴瘤的皮肤损害及其诊断意义

    Skin lesions and their diagnostic significance in adult T-cell leukemia / lymphoma

  27. 慢性荨麻疹胃粘膜损害与皮肤损害的关系

    Relation between chronic urticaria lesion of gastric mucosa and lesion of skin

  28. 巨大肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤患者皮肤损害的护理

    Nursing Care for Patients with Skin Impairment Induced by Huge Adrenal Pheochromocytoma

  29. 某煤气公司工人皮肤损害的调查研究

    A survey on skin disease among workers in a gas - factory

  30. 饮水型砷暴露地区人群皮肤损害的剂量-反应关系

    Association between arsenic exposure from drinking water and skin lesions