
dōnɡ lín dǎnɡ
  • Donglin Clique
  • Dong Lin Party
东林党 [dōng lín dǎng]
  • [Dong Lin Party] 明朝后期在一些中小地主、中下级官吏和地主阶级知识分子中形成的一个政治集团。在政治上经济上提出过一些改良主张,反映了人民的一些要求,遭到统治集团的迫害和镇压。由于在东林书院以讲学为名议论朝政,故被称为东林党

  1. 晚明儒学的发展除了自身的思想逻辑之外,特别受当时的“大礼议”、“东林党议”等历史事件的影响。

    The Confucianism during the late-Ming Dynasty develops on its own , in addition to the external factors .

  2. 赵南星是明朝后期著名的政治家、东林党的首领之一。

    Zhao Nanxing was a renowned statesman and one of the leaders of the Tung-lin Clique in the late Ming Dynasty .

  3. 东林党与复社是相继崛起的士大夫群体,对于晚明社会产生了举足轻重的影响,二者在人员构成上师传衣钵;

    Successively grown up as groups of scholar-bureaucrats , Fu Society and Donglin Party played decisive role in the late Ming Dynasty .

  4. 在中国古代士人群体中,晚明东林党人是以身殉道的典型。

    Dong Lin Party during the late Ming Dynasty was the typical representative of " devoting for truth " in Chinese ancient intellectuals .