
  1. 浅谈中国古代三才之道与农业文明

    The Way of Three Powers in Ancient China and Agricultural Civilization

  2. 郭雍是宋代义理易学的代表人物之一,其核心的思想是“《易》言三才之道”。

    The core idea of GUO Yong was to claim that the main idea in Zhouyi is the way of three powers .

  3. 他模拟《周易》而作《太玄》,试图构筑一个贯通天地人三才之道、包罗万象、广大悉备的宇宙图式。

    In his work Tai Xuan or The Greatly Metaphysical written in the style of The Book of Changes , he drew a diagram in an attempt to represent the all inclusive universe .