
  • 网络Mie University;Mie University, Japan
  1. NEC系统科技公司和三重大学的研究人员设计出一款能够品酒的机器人。这款电子斟酒侍者能够识别几十种酒、奶酪和餐前小点心。

    Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste & an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines , cheeses and hors d'oeuvres .

  2. 三重螺旋意味着大学、产业和政府彼此之间的相对平等,也是相互依赖的,他们相互重叠并承担其他制度的角色。

    Triple-Helix model indicates the government , university and industry are even and mutual dependent . They are superposed and shoulder other roles among the system .