
  • 网络Salad
  1. 自助餐台或沙律吧的食品未能及时补充。

    When buffet tables or salad bars are not replenished quickly .

  2. 第一道菜是金柚诲鲜沙律。

    Thefirst dish is a spicy and sour seafood pomelo salad .

  3. 沙律,低脂的奶品类,有机蔬菜和生果。

    E.g.Salad , low-fat dairy products , vegetables and fruit .

  4. 以吞拿鱼沙律示好极需勇气。

    It shows courage to woo a woman with a tuna salad .

  5. 另外,我要一客凯撒沙律。

    I would like a Caesar salad too .

  6. 还有,我们的牛扒跟配沙律,您需要哪一种沙律汁呢?

    Aad , Our The steak served salad and which salad dressing would you like ?

  7. 洗面后,使用海苔寿司沙律面膜效果会更好。

    After cleaning face , apply with seaweed sushi salad mask to get better effect .

  8. 我要一份番茄和生菜沙律,一份番茄心蛋卷。

    G : I 'll have a tomato and lettuce salad , a tomato omelet .

  9. 我想要一份火腿三明治、一份沙律和一杯茶。

    I 'd like a ham sandwich , a salad and a cup of tea .

  10. 鸡肉面汤,沙律,烤牛肉,布丁,咖啡或茶。

    Chicken noodle soup , salad , roast beef , pudding , coffee of tea .

  11. 可以,我要健康素菜沙律,野菌忌廉汤和澳洲极佳肉眼扒。

    Yes , I 'd like Tossed Healthy Green salad , Forest mushroom cream soup and Auatralian prime Rib Eye steak .

  12. 将水果、茴香、菜蔬、核桃及橄榄一起放进碗中,加入已预备好之沙律汁即成。

    Combine the fruit , fennel , walnuts , olives and salad vegetables in a shallow serving bowl . Drizzle with the dressing .

  13. 可以的,我要沙律脆皮鸡、鱼翅汤和炒3种不同类型的蘑菇。

    Yes , bring me a crispy skin fried chicken with salad , double-boiled shark 's fin soup , and fried mushrooms of3 kinds .

  14. 请问您的沙律配什么汁呢?我们有法汁、意大利汁和千岛汁等等。

    What dressing would you like to have with your salad ? We have French dressing , Italian dressing , Thousand island dressing and so on .

  15. 倒去剩下的油,下李锦记黑椒汁及水煮至热透,淋于鸡扒上,吃时伴以白饭及沙律。

    Pour away excess oil . Heat through Lee Kum Kee Black Pepper Sauce , water and pour over chicken steaks . Serve with cooked rice and salad .

  16. 田园蔬菜沙律什菜沙律,多种新鲜的蔬菜加上沙律,是一个健美减肥的最佳选择。

    The assorted dish salad of vegetables salad of rural area , many kinds of fresh vegetables add the salad , it is the best choice that a piece of callisthenics reduces weight .