
  1. 宋代江西书院及其发展的社会环境

    Academies of Jiangxi and the Social Condition of Its Development in Song Dynasty

  2. 对一千多年来历代江西书院的藏书特色及发展、藏书来源、保管和借阅作了初步分析。

    This paper analyses the features , origins , keeping and lending of collection .

  3. 论科举与古代书院的起源&以唐代江西家族书院为例

    On the Imperial Examinations and the Origination of Chinese Ancient Academies & Taking the Jiangxi Family Academy in the Tang Dynasty as the Example

  4. 宋代江西民间书院与地方社会新论&以地方知识阶层的参与为视角

    Study on the Relationship between the Nongovernmental Academy and Local Society in Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty & From the Perspective of the Participation of the Local Intelligentsia

  5. 江西建于唐代书院的发现、再发现、新发现

    Discovery , Rediscovery and New Discovery of Academies Built in Jiangxi in Tang Dynasty