
  1. 江南民居的现代诠释与农居设计思考

    Modern Illustration of the Vernacular House in Jiangnan and Design Thinking of Village Building

  2. 江南民居桥形态在室内外环境设计中的运用

    Application of Exterior and Interior Environment Design of Bridges in Residences of Southern Areas of Yangtze River

  3. 西洋的装饰让石库门在原本江南民居的款式上增添了一丝异国的情调。

    Western decoration attached a foreign flavor to the traditional style of folk houses , south of Yangtze River .

  4. 最后,在对几个相关经典案例进行分析的基础上,借鉴江南民居室内虚拟空间的营造手法,完成了一个茶楼室内设计的案例,进行了一次有益的探索。

    Finally the author completed the useful exploration of the interior design for the virtual space on the basis of research of several classic cases .

  5. 屋檐下的革新&论江南民居的特征在现代室内设计中的运用

    Innovation under the Eaves , The Application of the Characteristics of Civilian Residential in the Area of Southern Yangtze River in our Modern Interior Design

  6. 陕南与江南民居建筑环境适应性研究适性人生,诗意栖居&李渔造园思想探微

    On the Adaptability of Civil House in Southern Shaanxi and Southern Yangtse River ; Comfortable Life and Poetic Living : ON LI Yu 's Garden-building Ideas

  7. 虚拟空间在江南传统民居室内环境中起着重要的作用。

    Virtual space has played an important role of interior design in traditional folk houses in regions south of Yangtze-river .

  8. 第二章:江南传统民居的建筑与生态设计技术的地域特色。

    Chapter Two : Local characteristics of the traditional residential buildings and their ecological design technology in the Southern Yangze area .

  9. 江南传统民居凝聚了我国传统文化的精粹和审美意识的精华,并且蕴含了无数现代建筑所不能比拟的珍贵历史与文化价值。

    Southern Traditional Residence embodies the essence of traditional culture and aesthetic sense , and contains numerous modern designs not be compared to the precious historical and cultural values .

  10. 江南水乡民居中既包含建筑的普遍秩序也包含其独有的秩序,是将实用功能和美学功能完美结合的具有合理秩序美的建筑形式。

    Jiangnan residence contains both the general order of residential buildings and its own order , it combines the practical function and aesthetic function that have a reasonable order of architectural form .

  11. 在考证性研究的基础上,本次研究从民居环境、意境审美和设计理念三个方面对江南传统民居意境审美的特点进行分析。

    Research study on the basis of this study from the residential environment , the three aspects of the conception of the aesthetic and design philosophy Jiangnan traditional houses mood aesthetic characteristics were analyzed .

  12. 江南水乡民居是中国古典建筑的宝贵遗产,经过千百年来自然环境和人文环境的沉淀,形成了今天我们所看到江南水乡民居形态。

    Jiangnan residence is the priceless heritage of the Chinese classical architecture , after one thousand years precipitation in the natural environment and humane environment to form the shape of traditional residence in the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river that we see today .