
xiào cuì niǎo
  • kookaburra;laughing jackass
  1. 由于笑翠鸟是澳大利亚本地特有的一种鸟类,因此用‘鹏’字尤为贴切。

    Tesch believed Peng is particularly apt as the kookaburra is a native Australian bird .

  2. 笑翠鸟:大个的澳洲捕鱼鸟,栖息在树上,叫声清脆。

    Kookaburra : a large Australian kingfisher that lives in the trees and has a cackling cry .

  3. 笑翠鸟清脆的叫声响彻地球。

    The sound of the cackling kookaburra rang out across the earth .

  4. 笑翠鸟、鸭嘴兽和针鼹也是澳大利亚特有的动物。

    There are more kangaroos than people in Australia .

  5. 还有喜鹊和笑翠鸟。

    Then there were the magpies and the kookaburras .

  6. 它们就是&笑翠鸟!

    They are the kookaburras !

  7. 笑翠鸟是在父母杀死了的两个同伴时被救的,而小鸭子则太小无法自卫而获救。

    Kookie was saved after his parents killed their other two offspring while duckling was rescued because he was thought too small to defend himself .

  8. 笑翠鸟一种大翠鸟(笑翠鸟),原产于澳大利亚,其叫声象嘶哑的笑声大多数鸟白天出来活动。

    A large kingfisher ( Dacelo gigas ) native to Australia , with a call that resembles raucous laughter . Most birds come out during the day .

  9. 除了这里,你还能在哪里看得到鸸鹋、袋熊、桃红鹦鹉、袋鼠、考拉、鸭嘴兽、笑翠鸟、短尾矮袋鼠、小袋鼠和大袋鼠呢?

    Where else in the world can you find emus , wombats , galahs , kangaroos , koalas , platypi ( 7 ), kookaburras , quokkas , wallabies and wallaroos ?

  10. 奥利,笑翠鸟,席德,鸭嘴兽和米莉,针鼹,作为2000年悉尼奥运会吉祥物选定的三个本土动物。

    " Ollie ", a Kookaburra , " Syd ", a Platypus ; and " Millie ", an Echidna , are three native animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games .

  11. 所以现在每个清晨,在黎明破晓时分,笑翠鸟咕咕拉的狂笑声能够传遍澳洲,迎来新的一天。

    So now , every morning , just as the dawn is breaking , the laugh of Gugurrgaagaa the Kookaburra can be heard all across Australia , bringing in the new day .

  12. 还有喜鹊和笑翠鸟。爷爷奶奶为它们买来肉和其它特殊的食物。爷爷去世后,奶奶继续着这种嗜好。

    Then there were the magpies and the kookaburras . Pop asked Nan to buy meat and other special foods just for them . Since Pop died , Nan has continued the tradition .

  13. 杰夫:鸭嘴兽,悉德也表示悉尼,象征水;针,米利象征土地;笑翠鸟,奥利象征空气。

    Jeff : Duckbill ( SYD ) indicated the city of Sydney , which was the symbol of water ; Millie was the symbol of land ; and kookaburra was the symbol of the air .