
  • 网络The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka
  1. 虽然部派佛教广律是正统的宗教文献,但是,它也是口头叙述文学。

    The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka is only the orthodox religion text , but also the narrative literature characterized by widely employed oral-formulas .

  2. 佛教广律套语研究

    Studies in the Oral-formula of the Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka

  3. 与传统的古典控制方法相比,此方法不必对模型进行近似线性化处理,因而,控制精度较高,适用的时域范围较广,控制律也不太复杂。

    This new method has high accuracy and fits in wide time domain in contrast to the classical control methods because of no approximation of the reactor model . The nonlinear control law is not too complicated .