
ɡuǎnɡ xiù
  • see also 粤绣
  1. 它在湖南民间刺绣的基础上,吸收苏绣和广绣的优点而发展起来的。

    Xiang embroidery was developed from Hunan folk embroidery methods , but it also drew on the skills of Su embroidery and Yue embroidery .

  2. 粤绣也称“广绣”,它是出产于广东省广州、潮州、汕头、中山、番禺、顺德一带刺绣品的总称。

    Also called Guang embroidery , Yue embroidery is a general name for embroidery products of the regions of Guangzhou , Shantou , Zhongshan , Fanyu and Shunde in Guangdong Province .