
  • 网络mathematics thinking;mathematical way of thinking
  1. 第二阶段数学思想方法的归纳与小结。

    In the second stage , conclude and sum up mathematical way of thinking ;

  2. 第二部分对数学思想方法与数形结合思想方法分别进行了阐述。

    The second part of the mathematical way of thinking and methodology of number-shape combination are expounded respectively .

  3. 基于CAI的数学思想方法教学研究

    The Study of Mathematical Thought and Method Teaching Based on CAI

  4. 本文提出了基于CAI的数学思想方法的教学模式,尝试从学习者的认知水平出发,引导他们进入较为自由灵活的思考、实验与实践。

    The thesis put forward models of mathematical thought and method teaching based on CAI , which tried to lead the learners to enter the bourn where they can think , test and practice more freely from their cognitive level .

  5. 同时尝试着从整合的角度,进行数学思想方法与计算机辅助教学的理论研究,其中包括基于CAI的数学思想方法教学对思维的影响以及基于CAI的数学思想方法教学策略等。

    At the same time , we tried to study the theory of mathematical thought and method and computer assisted instruction , which including influences of this kind of teaching form to mathematical thinking and strategies of this teaching form that both based on CAI .

  6. 《概率统计》与数学思想方法教学

    Theory of Probability and Statistics and Mathematical Thinking Teaching Fascinating Maths

  7. 课程标准与大纲中数学思想方法的比较分析

    Comparing and Analyzing on the Curriculum Standard and the Teaching Outline

  8. 数学思想方法水平与数学成绩有较显著相关。

    MIM 's level and mathematics achievement are correlative more notable .

  9. 数学思想方法在数学认知结构中的作用

    The function of mathematics method of thinking in mathematics cognitive structure

  10. 数学思想方法在中学教学中的应用

    The Application of Methods of Mathematic Thinking in Middle School Teaching

  11. 关于深化数学思想方法教学的探讨

    The Discussion of Teaching About Deepening the Way of Mathematics Thinking

  12. 注重数学思想方法培养学生数学素质

    Laying stress on maths method of thinking cultivating students maths ' gualification

  13. 论数学思想方法在初等数论中的应用

    The Discussion of Applications of Mathematical Thought Ways in Elementary Number Theory

  14. 数学思想方法在初中数学概念教学中的运用

    Application of Mathematics Thought Way in Junior High School Mathematics Concept Teaching

  15. 数学思想方法教学中反思性学习能力培养的研究

    A Study on Reflective Studying Ability in Mathematics Thinking Teaching

  16. 数学思想方法是数学知识的精髓。

    The mathematical way of things is the essence of mathematic knowledge .

  17. 数学思想方法学习的若干研究

    Several Research about the Learning of Mathematics Thought and Method

  18. 数学思想方法教学在数学素质教育中的功能

    The Functions of Mathematical Thought-Method Teaching in Mathematics Quality Education

  19. 数学思想方法与应用网络课程建设的构思与实践

    Designing and Practice to Construct the Network Course of Mathematical Methods and Applications

  20. 谈初中数学思想方法

    On the Methods of Thinking for Junior Maths Teaching

  21. 数学思想方法教育:数学教育的根本点

    Teaching on Mathematics Ideas and Method : the Basic Point of Mathematics Education

  22. 数学思想方法教育实验中资料的收集和数据的处理

    Gathering materials and processing data on educational experiment with mathematical method of thinking

  23. 论数学思想方法视域下的解析几何课程改革

    Curriculum Reform of Analytic Geometry from the View of Mathematics Idea and Method

  24. 常微分方程的数学思想方法

    The mathematical thought and methods in ordinary differential equation

  25. 创新教育中数学思想方法教学的研究

    An Inquiry of the Teaching of Mathematics Conception and Methods in Innovation Education

  26. 定理教学中数学思想方法的再创造

    Cultivation of Creativity of Mathematical Methods about Theorem Teaching

  27. 高等数学思想方法的特征

    The Character istic of Thinking Methods of Advanced Mathematics

  28. 《高等代数》课程中的若干数学思想方法

    Several important ideological methods of mathematics in Higher Algebra

  29. 数学思想方法和数学应用都体现了数学美。

    Throughway of mathematics and application of mathematics .

  30. 它们对数学思想方法的教学具有指导意义和借鉴性。

    They have the guiding sense to mathematics thinking method teaching and the model .