
  • 网络Napoleonic Era;Napoleon Era;The Age Of Napoleon
  1. 法国夏邦杰建筑设计事务所设计的上海大剧院,弧形拱顶的造型酷似拿破仑时代士兵的军帽。

    The Shanghai Grand Theater designed by the French firm Charpentier et Associes is striking for its curved roof resembling a Napoleonic era military cap .

  2. 凯撒时代到法国大革命前夕为比利时民族的兴起培植了肥沃的土壤,而拿破仑时代则为比利时的民族意识觉醒提供了良好的环境。

    The rise of the Belgian national cultivation fertile soil from Caesar era to the eve of the French revolution , and the Napoleonic era for the Belgian national consciousness of awakening provided a good environment .

  3. 我们研究在拿破仑时代用过的策略。

    We studied the tactics used in napoleon 's day .

  4. 自拿破仑时代以来,还没有一个领导人经历过比这更无聊的100天。

    Not since Napoleon will a leader have served a more pointless 100 days .

  5. 查理曼帝国以某种形式一直延续到了拿破仑时代。

    Charlemagne 's empire , in some form , lasted until the age of Napoleon .

  6. 工业革命可谓避开了这个小镇,它看起来还和拿破仑时代一样。

    The industrial revolution virtually bypassed the town , which looked much as it had done since napoleon 's day .

  7. 在200年前,拿破仑时代的末期这个问题就出现了,并且体现出我们今天所谓的价值鸿沟。

    It emerged 200 years ago , at the end of the Napoleonic period , with the opening up of what we would today call a values gap .

  8. 在英国封锁时期的拿破仑时代,胶原蛋白第一次被承认作为一种有价值的食品,并用来供给法国。

    Collagen was first recognized as a valuable food under Napoleon , when during the English blockade , it was used to supply France with much needed protein .

  9. 马修弗林德斯和拿破仑是同时代的历史人物。

    Matthew Flinders and Napoleon were contemporary historical figures .