
  1. 美国经过六十年才最终承认海地的独立。

    It would take six decades for the U.

  2. 如果真是这样,今年海地庆祝独立二百周年时,它所戴着的枷锁一定会轻些,少些。

    Haiti could have flourished and prospered , If that had been the case , this year Haiti would be celebrating the bicentennial of its independence with fewer and lighter shackles .

  3. 历经十年对法国殖民者的抵抗,海地成为第一个独立的黑人国家和拉丁美洲国家。

    After a10-year resistance against French colonizer , Haiti became the first independent Black and Latin-American country .

  4. 这些海地建筑可追溯到19世纪海地宣布独立的时期。

    These Haitian monuments date from the beginning of the 19th century , when Haiti proclaimed its independence .