
  • 网络Confirmation;confirm;Letter of Confirmation
  1. 有关承认债务的证据。这个函证过程旨在证明欠款客户和其他债务人确实存在,并且他们承认这些债务。

    This confirmation process is designed to provide evidence that the customers and other debtors actually exist , and that they acknowledge the indebtedness .

  2. 律师进行核查和验证,可以采用面谈、书面审查、实地调查、查询和函证、计算、复核等方法。

    For the purpose of check and verification , lawyers may take such measures as interview , written review , on-site inspection , inquiry and confirmation , calculation and recheck .

  3. 该文还指出对流动资产进行大量核查,甚至函证是审计工作的重点。

    Examining current assets is the main point of auditing .

  4. 她要求所有那些收到卡片的人给她回复函证。

    She had called for confirmations from all those to whom cards were sent .

  5. 国际审计准则505号:函证

    International Standard on Auditing 505 External Confirmations

  6. 加强应收账款函证;

    Strengthen investigation of account receivable ;

  7. 审计函证中应关注的问题③公众的参与,特别是工会的参与和椎动;

    Issues Needing Attention in Letter Proving of Audit ③ Public participation , such as the participation of worker unions ;

  8. 现金审计中最重要的一步是审计师独立从银行获得存款余额函证。

    The most important step in the auditing of cash is the independent verification of the balance with the bank .

  9. 首先,我希望审计师们能够从这些事件中学到重要的一课–保持对询证函的控制,不能让客户参与到函证过程中。

    I expect auditors have learned their lesson about maintaining control of the confirmation and not letting the client participate in the process .

  10. 买方银行将证实拨款能力,但卖方银行得先按照意向函证实产品的供应。

    Buyer 's bank will confirm funding capability only if the seller 's bank will confirm availability of the product as per the letter of intent .

  11. 详细阐述舞弊审计应当格外注意的重要审计程序,包括询问、分析程序、函证以及监盘。

    Detail fraud shall be given extra attention to the important audit procedures , including the questioning , analysis procedures , letter card and prison dish .