
  • 网络official act;official conduct
  1. 通常来讲,公共官员是指那些在政府职员中处于较高地位,控制着政府的公务行为,应当对公众负有重要责任的人。

    In general , public officials are those who are in a higher position , control the official act of governments , and bear the important responsibility to the public .

  2. 近几年来,随着我国政府公务行为的规范,政府采购正逐步成为规范政府财政资金使用的重要途径,同时也使得政府采购预算工作的作用日益凸显。

    In recent years , with the Chinese government official conduct , and government procurement are becoming the norm to use the government funds the mainstream , but also makes the government procurement budget to work becomes increasingly important .

  3. 他们需对自己的违法公务行为承担行政责任。

    They must shoulder the administrative responsibilities for their illegal government action .

  4. 新闻监督:让公务行为置于阳光下

    Oversight by Media : Put Administrative Acts under Sunshine

  5. 公务员职业道德,通过道德规范控制公务员的公务行为且可以检验;

    Professional ethics of civil servants control their behavior by criterions that can be tested .

  6. 对刑法中规定的时间、地点、年龄的认识错误,以及淫秽性、公务行为的合法性、财物的他人性等的错误认识,均属于事实错误,事实错误可以阻却犯罪故意。

    The misunderstanding of time , place , age and so on in the criminal law is regarded as fact mistake .

  7. 本文将重点论述以国家工作人员职务行为公正性与公众对公务行为的信赖为利用影响力受贿罪的保护法益对行为进行认定和处罚的指导意义,此保护法益对主体规定的合理性。

    In this thesis author indicate that the legal interest of Using the influence of bribes is State functionaries duty behavior of justice .

  8. 那么蔡和他的父亲的阻止他们非法扣押搬走自己财物的行为不属于妨害公务行为。

    So what Cai did to stop them from illegally impounding and taking away their properties wouldn 't possibly commit a crime of disruption public order .

  9. 文章分析了对准政府组织进行行政法律调控的必要性,提出应当从行政组织法、行为法和救济法等方面,对准政府组织及其公务行为加以调整。

    The article has analysis the necessity of it . It also said that we should control it with organization law and action law and responsible law .

  10. 这一部分首先研究判断准政府组织公务行为的具体标准,然后分析我国准政府组织公务行为的范围与类型。

    This a part is studied and judged the concrete standard of public action of Non-governmental Public Organizations at first , Then it analysis ranges and types of the Non-governmental Public Organizations .

  11. 文章在既往的研究成果上,试图运用语义分析、比较分析、实证分析等手段,分析准政府组织的概念、种类和公务行为,以求更好地解决对准政府组织的行政法调整问题。

    Basing on the proceed study and using semantic analysis or comparative analysis , the article wants find out the concept and the type and the administrative actions of Non-governmental Public Organizations for settle how to use administrative law to control it .

  12. 针对陈强贪污案的焦点问题,引出贪污犯罪认定的关键在于国家工作人员的界定和公务行为的认定,在此基础上有利于贪污共犯的定罪量刑。

    Chen Qiang , the focus of the corruption case , leads to corruption and crime identified the key is the identification of the definition of the national staff and official acts , based on the conviction and sentencing of an accomplice in corruption .

  13. 犯罪主体历来是职务犯罪研究的难点,公务行为的理解,混合所有制企业中单位性质的认定,受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员是本文关注的重点。

    Subject of crime is always the difficulty in the duty crime research . Official business behavior understanding , unit nature recognizing in mix system of ownership enterprise , mandatory administration , manages the state-owned property personnel are the key point this article pays attention .

  14. RNA干涉的研究进展论妨害公务的行为

    Theory of administrative interfering Advances in RNA interfering

  15. 而且行政相对人以暴力、威胁等方法阻碍、对抗执法人员依法执行公务等行为也客观存在。

    Moreover , the administrative counterpart of violence , threats and other methods hamper the fight against law enforcement officers carrying out public duties such acts exist objectively .

  16. 其形成原因是由于社会转型引发矛盾、公务人员行为失范、社会控制机制弱化和法治社会的基础缺失。

    It is because of the conflicts induced by the social transition , the lack of law basis , default of public staff , and weakening of controlling system .

  17. 要严格控制行政机关新建、扩建办公大楼,严禁建设豪华楼堂馆所,切实规范公务接待行为,堵塞管理漏洞,努力降低行政成本,建设节约型政府。

    We will strictly control the construction and expansion of government office buildings , absolutely stop the construction of more luxury government building projects , truly standardize official entertaining , plug up loopholes in management rules , and work to reduce government overhead and build a conservation-minded government .

  18. 论妨害公务罪的行为客体通过碰撞检测实现了沿楼梯而上的功能。

    On the Action Object of the Offence on Interference with Public Functions And the action up stairs is implemented by collision detection .

  19. 建设和谐社会是时代发展的必然趋势,和谐社会建设的顺利与否,同各级政府公务人员执政行为的好坏有着直接的联系。

    Construction of harmonious society is the inevitable trend of the era development , the construction of harmonious society , and governments botched execution the stand or fall of public servants ruling behavior has direct link .

  20. 贿赂犯罪作为一种严重侵害国家机关正常活动和国家公务人员职务行为廉洁性的犯罪,是与人类社会共存的现象,是世界各国在政治经济生活中普遍存在的问题。

    Bribery as a serious violation of state organs to normal activities and behavior of state officials in positions integrity of the crime , It is the phenomenon of coexistence of human society , is prevalent in countries in the world political and economic life of the issue .

  21. 其立法思想旨在以较为丰厚的廪禄且辅以重典的双重作用下,减少乃至杜绝宋朝吏员在执行公务过程中贪赃行为的发生。

    The legislative intention was to reduce , even eradicate the officials ′ corruption by means of a dual deal-fat salary and severe punishment .

  22. 本部分主要提出了案件的两大争议问题。第一个争议点是公务人员的投资行为应否得到法律的支持。

    This part of the main put forward two big dispute case : the first disputed point is the investment behavior public servants should get legal support .

  23. 对于确实需要保留的公务用车,可以参考国外的经验,从严管理,加大对占用公务用车行为的处罚力度。

    For the official business cars which really need to retain , we can make reference to overseas experience , manage strictly and intensify the punishment of occupation of the official business cars .

  24. 本文在厘清妨害公务罪的概念和基本犯罪构成的基础上,对我国司法实务中刑法规制妨害公务行为的现状进行了分析。

    This based on the concept of crimes of crimes of obstruction of official business and the basic form of crime .

  25. 公务用车在给党政机关公务人员带来便利的同时,也导致了公车资源的浪费、公车私用、公务人员腐败行为的加剧等多方面的问题。

    While official vehicles bring great convenient to the servants of government , they also caused the bus resources waste , use official vehicles for private purposes , aggravate corruption and so on .