
  1. 公务员辞职、辞退、退休的条件和程序有哪些?

    What condition and procedure are there in the civil service system of resignation , dismissal and retirement ?

  2. 建立公务员辞职、辞退、退休制度的意义分别是什么?

    What is the significance of building the civil service system of resignation , dismissal and retirement respectively ?

  3. 国家公务员辞职辞退制度是国家公务员制度的重要组成部分,是推进我国人事制度改革的有力措施。

    Dismissal system for state civil servant is an important part of civil servant system , and also an effective measure for the reform of personnel system .

  4. 因此,责任政府的建立就显得相当必要而且重要,作为我国建设责任政府重要内容的公务员引咎辞职制度亟需从非常态的政治安排迈向常态化的制度设计。

    Therefore , the establishment of responsible government is extremely essential and important , as an important aspect of the establishment of responsible government , the blame-taking resignation system should change its form from the political arrangement to normal regulation .

  5. 第二,关于公务员人员在辞职辞退方面的规定显得相对的含糊不清。

    Secondly , with regard to civil service staff in the requirements in respect of the resignation and dismissal appears relatively ambiguous .

  6. 伴随2005年《中华人民共和国公务员法》颁布,公务员辞职辞退制度逐渐推行,这种弊端正逐步去除,为完善我国公务员机制起到了重要作用。

    With 2005 the PRC Civil Servant Law enacted to resignation and dismissal system is also widely implemented , this malpractice is gradually removed , in order to improve the civil service system in China has played an important role .