
  • 网络civil servant assessment
  1. 第三章,全面分析了我国公务员考核制度存在的问题;

    The third part makes a systematic study on problem of Chinese civil servant assessment system .

  2. 第二章,阐述了我国公务员考核制度的内容、地位和作用;

    The second section makes a account on content and function of Chinese civil servant assessment system .

  3. 国家公务员考核信息分析模型

    The Analysis Models about the Examining Information of National Public Servant

  4. 论公务员考核理论价值与实践效果的冲突

    The Conflict among Value and Practice of the Performance Appraisal System

  5. 上海市公务员考核制度研究

    Study on Evaluation System of Civil Service of Shanghai

  6. 公务员考核是公务员人事管理的重要环节。

    Civil service examination is an important part of civil service personnel management .

  7. 上海金山试水公务员考核新体系

    Jin Shan Area in Shanghai trying a new merit system on civil servants

  8. 公务员考核的公平性研究

    Study on the Impartiality of Civil Servant Appraisal

  9. 国外公务员考核制度述评

    The Assessment of Civil Servants in Foreign Countries

  10. 中国乡镇公务员考核中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Assessment of the Town Public Official in China

  11. 国家公务员考核量化测评方法研究

    Research on the measurement of assessing state servant

  12. 重庆市涪陵区公务员考核制度实证研究

    The Positivist Research of Check-up System of the Civil Servants in Fuling District in Chongqing

  13. 中国公务员考核指标体系设定的理论基础及实践分析

    Analysis of Theories and Practice of the Enactment of Civil Servant Performance Indicator System in China

  14. 公务员考核存在的问题。

    The problems of achievements inspection .

  15. 调整产业结构实行中国家具突围我国公务员考核制度存在的问题及对策

    The Chinese furniture The Existing Problems and Countermeasures on the Assessment Regulation of Chinese Government Functionary

  16. 当前各国的公务员考核制度,尽管政治环境各异,但其基本价值理念却是一致的。

    Presently , although political condition is distinct , basic value idea of different countries civil servant is unanimous .

  17. 第二部分对我国公务员考核机制现状进行总结、分析,并以包头市总工会为例深入探析。

    Chapter two analyzes the current performance assessment system and makes further detailed study with case in the Labor Union in Baotou .

  18. 第三部分分析了我国公务员考核过程中存在的相关问题,并对问题存在的原因进行了分析。

    The third part of the Chinese civil service examination related problems existing in the process , and the cause of problem analysis .

  19. 目前我国的公务员考核制度已经不能满足公务员管理和服务型政府建设的新需要。

    Civil servants ' appraisal system in China now can not meet the new needs of the civil service management and service-oriented government construction .

  20. 虽然国家对公务员考核问题非常重视,但是具体落实到实处,还存在着很多问题。

    Although the central government attached great importance to the civil service appraisal , there are still a lot of problems in the specific implementation .

  21. 目前,我国国家公务员考核已经奠定了基本框架,取得了许多成功的经验。通过对我国公务员绩效考核制度的研究,可以发现我国公务员考核制度还存在不少亟待解决的问题。

    Currently , the base framework of performance appraisal system for Chinese civil servant has been set up and also has made some successful achievement .

  22. 在公务员考核制度方面比较先进的英、美、法、新加坡等国家的做法值得我国借鉴。

    The comparison of advanced countries such as UK , USA , France and Singapore etc are very helpful for our reform in civil servants system .

  23. 本文试图通过对美国公务员考核制度的回顾分析,为我国公务员考核制度的完善提供经验借鉴。

    Through reviewing the system of American civil servant 's assessment , the author attempt to provide some experience to perfect our civil servant 's assessment .

  24. 随着经济体制改革和行政体制改革的不断深入,我国公务员考核制度的弊端也日益暴露出来。

    With the economic reform and the deepening of reform of the administrative system , civil service examination system in China is increasingly exposed the drawbacks of .

  25. 指出我国公务员考核制度实施中存在的一些问题:(1)动机问题;

    This paper examines the numerous problems in the execution of the performance appraisal system of China 's civil servants such as : ( 1 ) motive ;

  26. 经过近二十年的实践探索和理论研究,我国公务员考核制度取得了长足的进步,在实践中不断完善。

    After nearly two decades of practical exploration and theoretical study , civil servants ' appraisal system in China has made considerable progress , constantly improving step-by-step .

  27. 本文以制度变迁为研究视角,首先对公务员考核制度的相关概念作出了基本的界定。

    The paper is the research angle of system transition . Firstly the paper made a basic definition for the basic concept of Civil Servants assessment system .

  28. 只有加强平时考核的力度,建立以绩效为核心的定期考核指标体系,加强考核工作的监督,公务员考核制度才可能得到进一步完善。

    To better the assessment regulation , we need to strengthen the peacetime assessment , establish a norm system of regular assessment with metric assessment as the core .

  29. 而对于公务员考核中方法偏于定性、技术比较落后等问题,则大胆借鉴了各种绩效评估模型和绩效计量方法;

    For the problem of the preference of qualitative assessment and the problem of the outdated technology , this thesis boldly employs diversified evaluation models and calculating methods .

  30. 第五章,针对现实中存在的问题,系统阐述了完善我国公务员考核制度的若干可操作性的对策。

    On the base of the former analysis , suggests to the way of contribution to consummating Chinese civil servant assessment system and some practical countermeasures at last .