
  1. 本文作者是加州公务员退休基金(CaliforniaPublicEmployees'RetirementSystem)公司治理主管、全球股票高级投资组合经理

    The writer is head of corporate governance and senior portfolio manager for global equities at the California Public Employees ' Retirement System

  2. 但是美国加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)的高级投资组合经理兼全球治理主管安妮•辛普森(AnneSimpson)却相信,库克的道德立场不仅仅是种姿态。

    But Anne Simpson , senior portfolio manager and director of global governance at the US pension fund Calpers , a prominent Apple shareholder , believes his ethical stance is more than just posturing .

  3. 与黑石(Blackstone)和加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)等投资机构的过硬关系,使得这家位于美国西海岸的企业,能利用纽约市数十年难得一见的机遇,当时,纽约市的企业大都因之前的繁荣过度举债。

    Strong relationships with investment organizations like Blackstone and Calpers put the west coast-based firm in a position to capitalize on a once-in-a-generation opportunity in a city where the incumbents were largely overleveraged from the prior boom .

  4. 迄今为止有16个州以及哥伦比亚特区对标普提起了诉讼。加州表示,它已代表加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)提起诉讼。Calpers是美国最大的公共养老基金。

    So far , 16 states and the District of Columbia have filed lawsuits against S & P. California said it filed a suit on behalf of Calpers , the largest US public pension fund .

  5. 公务员退休福利制度顾问研究

    Consultancy Study on the Civil Service Retirement Benefits System

  6. 公务员退休准备教育研究

    Study on Pre-retirement Education of Civil Servants

  7. 美国公务员退休制度

    United States Civil Service Retirement System

  8. 摘要公务员退休制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,而退休安置中的养老保险制度又是其重中之重。

    The officeholder 's endowment system is an important part of social security system , and the endowment system in pension center is of most importance .

  9. 加州公务员退休基金以坚决捍卫股东权利而著称,迄今为止,该基金一直将中国排除在可投资市场名单之外,因为中国未达到该基金的公司治理标准。

    CalPERS , which has a reputation as a tough guardian of shareholder rights , has so far excluded China from its list of investable markets because it falls short of its corporate governance standards .

  10. 一同参加工作,一样的级别,事业编和公务员在退休后的待遇有什么不同?

    Have a job together , same level , what does is the career made up and officeholder have to differ in the pay after retiring ?

  11. 他还说道,英国政府已经屏弃公务员强制退休年龄,却对法律不进行修改以使所有雇员受益。

    The British government has just scrapped mandatory retirement ages for civil servants but has failed to change the law to benefit all employees , he said .

  12. 工会官员说,数千名40至50岁的公务员已经要求提前退休。

    Thousands of civil servants in their40s and50s have asked about early retirement , say union officials .